Thursday, April 16, 2009

Great News

I just thought I'd update you on my health....once again. I had my annual colonoscopy on Tuesday and today got the results of a biopsy that they did. It was negative!!! Hurrah!!! So I have atleast another year till I have to prep for that test again. The prep is the worst!!
I spent the first week of April with my sister and her husband and my cousin Karen and her husband Ruedi (from Switzerland) traveling from one National Park in Utah to another. We had a great time even thou it was still chilly and snowed a few times.
Easter Sunday was great....for the first time since before Gene died we were almost all together. Tom and Karen and kids could not make it....but the rest did. Even had two of the families with me in church! My brother Phil joined as for brunch, and it was a beautiful day. The week has gotten continually warmer with lots of sunshine!!! I'll attach a few pictures from my trip, and one from Easter.