Thursday, November 29, 2007

Can you Believe I'm done wrapping?

I managed to wrap the presents for one family each evening....finishing last nite. I can't even believe it myself. Not much to report....but I only have 6 more mornings to get up for work. I have a few fun parties this weekend. Even got my teeth cleaned today. I'm looking forward to many more Christmas events before my surgery, topping the list is my Cousins Christmas party where relatives for near and far will all be celebrating at my brothers.....and my sister will be in town to help me through this next hurdle. Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers, I feel their strength every waking hour. Love ya, m

Monday, November 26, 2007

Now it's wrap till I drop!

Well, I continued to shop Saturday and Sunday....but I'm I just have to wrap it all. I did start that last nite, and almost finished one family. So it's one down and 3 to go. Kathleen might not have to do it when she gets here. Let's hope!
I saw my surgeon again today...and it's all systems go for Dec. 12....He thinks it looks very do-able. Meaning he can remove it all without too many problems, if any. So next Monday I have my pre-op physical and on Thursday, Dec. 6, I go back to see the geneticist to see if my "paraganglioma" is hereditary or not. I can't believe how fast the time is passing. Two weeks from Wednesday is my surgery... and only 9 more mornings to go to work. I'm still feeling strong, and I am sure it is all the positive thoughts and prayers I am getting. Love you all, m

Saturday, November 24, 2007

The Day After I shopped til I almost Dropped

Hi everyone, I thought as I get closer to my Surgery date and retirement, I would start my own blog where you all could go to check up on me. You will have a chance to make comments that I can read as well. It will be kind of like Caring Bridge site...but as most of the people we have followed in Caring Bridge sites didn't the request of my children, I've decided the blog would be a better channel for me....AS I AM A SURVIVOR!!! All the Schieber relatives are used to seeing the Cousin's Chronicle Blog, so that is where I decided to go with my blog.

I did shop till I almost dropped yesterday....but I'm not quite done. I did get a wonderful start...and I'll be back out today to finish up before I go to the hospital (only 2 1/2 weeks left). Then I'll have to start wrapping!!! Ugh...Karen my daughter-in-law, suggested that I have a wrapping party, serve pizza and wine and have a few cousins come and help me. I'll have to consider that if it really doesn't look like I'm going to accomplish it on my own.

Thanksgiving went off without a hitch! It was a chore doing all the cooking and cleaning without Gene to help, but I managed to turn the roaster on in time and I didn't leave anything in the refrigerator and even spent a couple of hours at Gene's niece's home in the middle of the day. So even though it was the first Thanksgiving without Gene, we all did okay....until it came time to do the dishes!!! We really missed him then! But Annie stepped up to the sink, and together we got them all done and put away.

I hope to add to this blog every day or keep tuned! Love and prayers, Mary