Monday, November 26, 2007

Now it's wrap till I drop!

Well, I continued to shop Saturday and Sunday....but I'm I just have to wrap it all. I did start that last nite, and almost finished one family. So it's one down and 3 to go. Kathleen might not have to do it when she gets here. Let's hope!
I saw my surgeon again today...and it's all systems go for Dec. 12....He thinks it looks very do-able. Meaning he can remove it all without too many problems, if any. So next Monday I have my pre-op physical and on Thursday, Dec. 6, I go back to see the geneticist to see if my "paraganglioma" is hereditary or not. I can't believe how fast the time is passing. Two weeks from Wednesday is my surgery... and only 9 more mornings to go to work. I'm still feeling strong, and I am sure it is all the positive thoughts and prayers I am getting. Love you all, m

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