Okay, they can't see me for the assessment till Jan. 12 and then the radiologist probably on the 13th, but didn't get the time....she said they would let me know on the 12th....anyway then I don't see the surgeon till the 19th (as she only see's patients on Tuesdays) and at that time she will give me the plan. If they want to give me radiation before the surgery, it could take 3 weeks and I probably won't have the surgery till the end of Feb. Talk about the slow boat to China!!! So Kathleen, you can go to your wedding in Texas, and I will have to see about cancelling my trip to Florida....doesn't look like I will beable to fit it into the plan. I'm a little angry about that....but I know I will get good care when I finally get it. Two years ago, I was diagnosed in Oct. and didn't have the surgery till Dec. 12....so I guess this isn't much different. I have to be there at 8:30 a.m. on the 12th, may want to go down the night before and stay over nite at a hotel, and then I won't have to get up in the middle of the night to get there. I have to fast from Midnite on, so I don't know what kind of proceedures they will be doing at that time....or how long it will take....then I have to see the radiologist the next day, so I wonder what time, if it's worth driving home and back again the next day......questions still abound.
One bright note, they already got my daily radiation reports from 1996!
Joe and I are thinking about you. Enjoy Christmas with your family -- it sounds like you are in good hands -- slow hands, but good ones. Merry Christmas - luv ya