Good Morning, I have officially made it through my first day and nite by myself with no complications. I showered and changed that appendage attached to my belly, went to the basement and folded a load of towels Janet has put in before she left, and I even started another load of clothes, that I need to work on today. Today, I will leave the house on my own for the first time in almost 2 weeks. Sounds silly, but these are giant leaps for me. Being able to live independently is something I used to take for granted. I continue to stuff myself with as many calories as I can, but haven't seemed to gain a pound. But that is my goal for the week.
Going to have a qigong session this afternoon, thanks to Sheila Judd from the college. So my hope is that this will progress the healing from the surgery and clear some of that anesthesia out of my system, so that I will be able to accept the chemo's work and get rid of this cancer. Keep those prayers coming, love m
m, Hope the appendage thing is going well, you are such a trouper! Some independence must feel very good, but the loving care can do a lot. I'm going to try to call Loretta today, she's another trouper, for sure. My t&p's continue to be with you, love, Jeanie
ReplyDeleteI received a cut little bear in the mail today, and his tag read:
ReplyDeleteLove Bears all Things
This bear sat in the pew at the Estero United Methodist Church. It has been blessed as it has heard Scripture read, the Word Preached, hymns sung and prayers prayed. It comes to you as a special reminder of God's healing and wonderful love. 1 Corinthians 13:7
Thanks Al and Donna Clothier I love my Bear!