That is literally a good morning. Up early and feeling so much stronger than yesterday...kinda back to Thursday as far as strength goes. Not coughing as much, and think I'll get a shower and actually go out today. I have two dates, lunch with the ARCC retiree's and wanna bees, and dinner with Cherie Peck Rollings another former ARCC friend. May also see the ostomy nurse, if I can move up the appointment from tomorrow to today.
I haven't gotten on the scale yet this a.m., but yesterday I had finally gained back two pounds and I ate like a pig yesterday, so I hope it helped. Also decided I may need to use some of that imodium to get my self back to normal?? again. I think I will just take one this a.m. just because!! I maybe should have been doing that since Friday....probably would have helped. Hind site is always 20 20. But things to remember for the next round for sure.
Loretta is the proud owner of a new stent, and is back at Mike and Pandora's loving life. I believe eating Thanksgiving dinner of Turkey!!! Frank also seems to have turned the corner and they are moving him to a rehab hospital. Wonders never cease. I thank God for all the blessings he has given this family.
Also a big thank you to Annie for the tater tot hot dish and hot biscuits for dinner last nite and Jimbo and Ann for the Juicy Lucy they brought me for my pre dinner snack. Both tasted wonderful, and I hope added to my poundage! Love you guys so much. m
m, you are sudh a wonder to me, how you are able to bounce back so well. May you keep getting fat and don't run out of food or dates for lunch! love, Jeanie