It is so gorgeous outside, but I really prefer that sunshine. Yesterday, I actually left the house and drove my car for the first time in 2 weeks, and it felt so good. I also enjoyed my qigong (healing meditation) at the college. This has given me new strength....and I plan on attacking those spots with highly charged solar panels in my lungs come Monday's chemo.
I was pleased to step on the scale this a.m. and I am finally on the way back up, gaining two pounds. I have a long way to go, but atleast it is going in the right direction. Baked myself more cookies yesterday, so I'll keep fueling my body. Doing a good job of eating myself out of house and home.
Today I will hibernate, and watch the Olympics, probably will overload on them for the next two weeks. Got some more laundry to do, as I only made one trip to the basement yesterday, I have to retrieve some dry clothes and add another load to the dryer. Maybe I can do two trips and have it completed.
I will be going to church in the a.m., and then my Lenten Study group resumes at the Buhr's home. I am really looking forward to this as they have been a great support in my prayers life as well as my actual life in the past years. Great friends,I enjoy being and growing with.
Talked to Aunt Loretta last nite, and she sounded really good. I warned her to keep herself at the top of the list when she is doing all that praying for all of us.
Nothing else new to report. Love and prayers to all who want or need. m
m, Great to hear about all the things you are up to! Hope those cookies don't have sugar in them, better to concentrate on the good oils. Think of the spots waiting with open arms for the sugar to come. Hope you are getting the sunshine that has been heating it up out here the last couple days. Talked to Aunt Loretta and was amazed how good she sounds. Enjoy the olympics, gigong, and getting stronger. Thoughts and prayers for you, love, Jeanie