Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Hot Showers and Snow Showers

The snow continues to fall, but I could care less....not going out in it! But the Hot Shower, that was heavenly....I haven't had one in over a week, and it was like a full body massage. Then I put on brand new PJ's thanks to Ranum's....and I feel like a new woman. I unforetuneately got on the scale this a.m. to my horror, I'm twelve pounds down from my normal weight! So Janet is working on feeding me, and forcing me to drink water. We've going to bake muffins and cookies today, and then make valentines, and start on my thank you's...the first of which goes to the neighbor who has blown out my driveway everytime it snows, and redoing daily. Sending him cookies and muffins too! I continue to mend, and gain some strength, so your prayers are working. Love, m


  1. m,It's super that you are enjoying your own home comforts. Fluids are definitely important getting ready for chemo, Janet knows, you are in good hands. Healing t&p's for you, love, Jeanie

  2. Late update, Aunt Loretta is in the hospital, with chest pains and problems breathing, so she now has vaulted to the top of my prayer list. I hope you all say a few prayers for her too! m
