Sunday, February 21, 2010

I see the Light!

I'm not exactly up and at em today, but I do feel like I'm getting better. Still woosey this morning, so didn't go to church, but have been eating and napping all morning, and think I am starting to turn the corner...having a sinus thing and cough going on all week, I'm sure didn't help matters either, but at least I came out in better shape than Janet.
Annie and the kids helped clean and do laundry for me yesterday, and great friend Jan Ranum brought food. Then Bill and Katie spend the evening watching the Olympics with me. Today, Annie is bringing dinner to eat later this evening, and I think Jimbo and Ann plan on checking in on me, so I have lots of help.
Glad to hear Frank is having some good days, and he will be out of ICU and into a place to recuperate and gain back some strength soon. Love and prayers to you all, Love,m

1 comment:

  1. Thinking of you and praying for you every day. Praying those spots away. Nice to hear you are surrounded by so much love and support.

    Kim Weimer
