Wednesday, February 3, 2010

It's Complicated!

Well this morning started out normal, they sent me down for my daily xray and Kathleen arrived as I was getting ready to clean soon as I went into the bathroom, the doctor arrived and had news....they had discussed me yet again at the tumor conference this a.m., and ruled out putting in a stent to relieve the blockage, as the placement of it would not be possible in my case. It would end up being too irritating to the anus. So the only other option is an ostomy, and they will do it this afternoon. It is his hope....that they can do it minimally invasive, and that they will start chemo as soon as I can start eating again...not waiting the normal six weeks to heal before starting. But I guess that will be up to Dr. Londer the oncologist. Dr. Schlaefer thinks they can. Please continue the prayers, and as for now I'll be in 421 W at North Memorial. Love ya, m


  1. Praying with all my heart. Big HUG!

    Kim Weimer

  2. I'm looking for this hospital on Google but can't find it. Kathleen, if you see this could you give me the complete address? Or phone number to the hospital. Something? Thanks so much.

    Kim Weimer

  3. look at site:
    that should get you to an address here

  4. Sorry. Failed to mention I found it.


  5. m,Hope the surgery went as planned,and you may be on the road to chemo, finally.Hang in there, T&P for you,love,Jeanie
