And the sun is shining bright on is the scale! I stepped onto the scale this morning, and I am back up to 132 lbs. and that is one pound above what I started chemo at....and seven pounds above the all time low on last Sunday, so I am feeling pretty happy about that. Maybe I can pack on a few more before I start chemo next Monday.
I continue to battle this pouch attached to my side. During the movie yesterday it filled with air/gas, and I didn't want to walk out of the movie and miss anything, so as soon as the movie ended I bolted to the bathroom, and started coughing (which is still hanging on) and blew an opening in the side seal. The air was out by the time I hit the bathroom, but so were some of the other contents of the bag. Luckily it was in the side, and I was able to make it home to change it. I thought I had learned my lesson last weekend with allowing it to get too full of air, and coughing, and having it blow the it was partly my own fault...partly the nagging cough, and the limits of having a pouch. Unfortunately I'm a slow learner. But it won't keep me down.
No big plans for today, I really did enjoy the lunch and movie yesterday inspite of my other problem....but don't have anything on my calendar for today....I guess I could go grocery shopping. I'm sure I'll figure out something to do.
I got a couple of cards in the mail yesterday, but one contained a note and a couple of photo's from Ann's dad and his wife Annette. They were at Gooseberry last weekend, and took a couple of pictures of Gene's bench for me. They mentioned how peaceful and calming it was. Thanks Buck and Annette, I know Gene is at peace like he always was when we camped on the North Shore.
The day before I got a package from my brother and sister-in-law. Carol had included a letter, that told me that it was my mom's daily misle and even though the cover is falling off, all the ribbon markers and prayer cards had been left in place where mom had them. One on Christmas's favorite holiday, one on September 21, which happens to be Jimbo and Ann's anniversary (I'm sure a coincidence) but it is also the feast of St. Matthew, which is also a strange coincidence since Matthew is Annie's youngest and only boy. So needless to say I will cherish this and have shed several tears since receiving it. Thank you Carol.
I continue to be blessed by all of you....Love and prayers. m
m, You are such a trouper, can only imagine what it must be like dealing with 'the bag'. Keep hanging in there, before you know, it will be time to go to FL. I think of you often and continue to pray things will be good for you, love, Jeanie