Monday, February 1, 2010

No Chemo Today

This is Kathleen, subbing for Mary, writing to report on today's planned trip to the cancer treatment center for Mary's first chemo round. We arrived early as Mary has had a very uncomfortable two days of intestinal distention and vomiting. The doctor saw Mary and ordered an xray of her intestinal area and found that she has some partial blockages there. Consequently, he cancelled today's chemo (as chemo could potentially cause more intestinal distress) and put her in the hospital for a few days to rehydrate her and give her intestines some time to calm down, and she will not have any food or water by mouth until it is resolved. She is doing much better tonight as she has had some IV fluids today and some anti-nausea medication this evening. The partial blockage(s) are not likely cancer, but rather probably due to a flare-up Mary experienced from meds she had a couple of weeks ago at Mayo to prep her for a colonoscopy..... these meds gave Mary a bad reaction of constant vomiting, and may have left her intestines inflammed. It is also possible that the cause of the partial blockage is due to scar tissue............tomorrow Mary will meet with her doctors and maybe we'll have more news to report as to what is actually going any case, she's much better tonight and she will be waiting a few more days, or possibly a week, before they begin her first chemo round.
Keep those prayers coming..............they are much appreciated.


  1. Thanks for keeping us posted Kathleen. And give my love to Mary.

    Kim Weimer

  2. You both are in our thoughts and prayers -- Kathleen I know you will take good care of Mary and Janet will probably take good care of you -- this is a blessed family

  3. Kathleen, i am so glad you are here, And thank you for the update. Please give Mary a Big Hug and Kiss for me. Love you both, Carrie

  4. Thanks K, give m another X&O from me,it's probbly the spots all running for their life, causing the blockage, love, Jeanie

  5. Mary, I am keeping posted by your wonderful blog. You are such an admiration to all of us. You are dealing with this like a true trooper!

    I wish you well. You are in my thoughts and prayers daily!!!
