Sunday, February 7, 2010

Real Food

This morning, the doctor took me off the IV and said I could go home tomorrow. I need to see the ostomy nurse before I go home. My breakfast tray came and I even got to eat cream of wheat cereal...and some orange juice. Hopefully lunch will be even better.
Kathleen my sunshine all week, has left.....sad.....and I already miss her. Tomorrow when I go home, Janet will take over caring for me....for a couple of days. Wish Kathleen, Janet and I could have had the chemo party we had planned.....but I guess I'll have to plan something else to do when I get the chemo next week.
Going to watch the football game from my hospital myself....would rather be at Jimbo's. Love you all, m


  1. Wish I was there with you!! No place I'd rather be!! Love you!

  2. HI Mary, SO gld we officially got your spots, but just so you know we have been praying for them all any way :) I hope you get to go home today, the snow is really coming down. Love you and admire your strengh. Carrie

  3. Update on spot #13, it was unfortunate that it starved before there was any food to be had, ta ta. May the rest of them have the same luck, or worse! I bet home is going to be really nice to see, hope Janet and u can have a good week-have fun. T&p's, love, Jeanie
