My lucky day, they pulled out the catheter and my nasal tube, so I'm only attached to one line right now....and that is Fluids. Kathleen and my son Tom are here visitng....what could be better. Still can't eat today, but they will start me on liquids tomorrow....with the possibility of starting Chemo on Sunday at the earliest. Keep chasing those spots away....I love you all!!! m
P.S. I even beat Jimbo at cribbage last nite.....or he felt sorry for me and let me win.....unlike Kathleen. m
Sorry, I missed a bunch of spot takers, Bill, Kim, Katie, Tommy and Carrie and they will get 64-69. I will get you all added to the list.
Also, I'd love say a few thanks for the beautiful flowers I've recieved. Brad, Lynn, Karen and Ellie Woodward. Elaine, Jeff and Aunt Loretta sent beautiful orchids, and Bonnie and Bob Lammers sent a very cute smilly face mug filled with yellow roses. Jan and Lloyd Ranum sent a beautiful pair of PJs and some cozy socks....And a special thank you to Presley for the beautiful card she made me. Love you all, m
Wonderful news! You are amazing. Can't believe how well you are doing.
Kim Weimer
Keep the fluids coming, may food come soon for you. It's good to hear Jimbo let you win unlike nasty K, love, Jeanie