Thursday, February 11, 2010

Sunny, Sunny Day!

Having the sunshine, always makes me happy. I truly am solar powered! Janet left this a.m. after trying to meet my every need for three days straight. She anticipated when my water glass needed filling, when I needed a snack, and actually felt sorry for me and let me beat her at Blockus....a family loved game. My sister Kathleen, insisted on beating me every time we played cribbage, so it was a great feeling to be a winner for a change.
I haven't heard any update on mom! Hope she is doing well. I think Elaine has flown in to help her again. Nice to know she will be in good hands. I'm sure Mike, Pandora and Richard can always use the help. My prayers are with them all.
Not any big plans for today, finished making valentines and baking yesterday, a combined effort of Janet and myself. So today I plan on getting in the shower again, and then changing my bag for the first time at home. Don't think it will be a problem, just hope it seals as well as the one the ostomy nurse did on Monday. Wish me luck. Love, thoughts and prayers, m


  1. Hi Mary

    It is so good to know that you have made it home safe and sound that you
    have such wonderful baking and cleaning angels to help you...So glad you
    liked the t-shirts...your solar power should take you a long
    way...Thought I would update you on mom. I spoke with her this morning
    and she sounded good. I also spoke with Elaine who had just gotten off
    the phone with mom's doctor. Evidently mom's condition was rather
    critical when she went into the hospital on Monday. Her heart rate was
    all over the place and it seems that she was retaining entirely too much
    fluid. This, of course, was causing considerable pain and discomfort.
    She is on meds to correct this but now the heart rate is very low - too
    much of a good thing...The Dr. said it will take a few days before they
    find the right balance but her condition is treatable and she may be
    able to go home within the next few days. This if great news and we are
    all very thankful...She is in Valley Care Medical Center (935-847 3000
    room 2522). She seems to be up for a chat if anyone wants to call her...

    I'm sure Ruedi will be sending you a note but I just have to tell you
    that the card you sent him was one of the funniest I have every seem. I
    start laughing every time I think about it...It was perfect!

    Dear Mary, please take good care of yourself and we continue to send you
    prayers and energy to keep you powered up as well as lots of love and
    chocolate covered hugs from Switzerland...Karen

  2. Mary, I spoke to my grandma yesterday morning. She sounded good. I know she is happy to have Elaine there. That always makes things better. :-) Take care of yourself.

    Love and prayers,

  3. Correction to that phone number for Loretta is 925-847-3000 room 2522. Karen apoligizes for the mistake and says she needs to wear her glasses more often. Thanks Karen, I will try calling later this a.m. m
