Saturday, January 30, 2010

Sun is Shining and Warming Up

I'm sure the warmup has something to do with Kathleen arriving today. I'm so excited. I'm feeling great! Got a lovely card yesterday from Elaine (along with about 3 emails we exchanged) But I loved what the front said, so I wanted to share it with you. "May your day be brightened by the loving thoughts this brings. And may the angels brush away your cares with gentle wings." My day was brightened.
Did anyone see the full moon last nite? It was so gorgeous, just hope it doesn't bring strange things with it. I wonder what trouble Kathleen and I can get into? Hope you all have a good day, glad to hear Frank is holding his own. Love, m

Friday, January 29, 2010

Franks new CaringBridge website

Dear Mary,

A new journal entry for Frank Vermeulen's CaringBridge website was posted at 9:02:00 PM on Jan 29, 2010.

Read the latest update and show your support at:

Cold but Sunny

Good Morning, not a lot to report, but I did hear from Judy late last night, and she too wants to thank all of you for the prayers, as Frank seems to be getting better. I also got some wonderful phone calls yesterday, from some who don't have email, and just checking up on me, and some who do, and just wanted to visit. It was my son Bill's birthday yesterday, and I had a nice long talk with him, and then my neice Jessie called as her husband Paulo has the same birthday. I also got several old fashion greating cards, sent by snail mail, and lovely notes from my neice Blair and Mary Lou Mathoweitz. I also got an email from Imelda Neis, one of the printers wives and great friend who is also undergoing chemo at this time at the same clinic I am, however her treatments are on Thursdays and mine on Mondays, but we hope to bump into each other there some time in the near future. I also have her on my prayer list.
Late yesterday afternoon, I went to the movie "It's Complicated" with my friends Bonnie Sass and Lois Bjerke, and laughed our butts off. Great medicine. However, I had to say goodbye to Bonnie for the next two months as she left this morning for Sedona (the luck). She will be soaking up all the sun and sending it in my direction. Maybe, I'll get to spend a week with her. But for sure I am going to Florida the end of March, I sent in my payment yesterday. Not only will I have sunshine there, but lots of family and friends. I can't wait.
Today, I need to go shopping for Bill's birthday present and some food to make him, and the rest of the family, dinner on Sunday. So that said, I better get dressed and get going. Love and prayers, m

Thursday, January 28, 2010

The Sun is Shining Today

The sun really is shining today. I'm feeling great too! It's amazing how much better I feel when the sun is shining. Let's hope the sun is shining on Frank. The report this morning, is they have him kind of in an induced coma, or totally out, and will remain that way for a couple of at least he isn't in pain. They were unable to get a central line in last nite, so they will consider a port today. He is on a vent, his lung hasn't inflated yet, and he does have a fractured rib and a new fracture of a vertebrae in his lower back. So it's real serious, and we need to say some serious prayers for him and his family. (For those of you who don't know Frank....he is the husband of my cousin Judy, and he was battling lung problems back when I had my big cancer scare in 1996...they eventually did a lung transplant on one lung, and then a few years ago, they also did a kidney transplant from his daughter Cathy. He is continually on anti rejection medications and has of late had to be on oxygen continually....yet he still keeps fighting back....they had planned on spending the winter in California with their daughter and family till this happened, and Cathy jumped in the car and helped drive them back home in that horrid weather last weekend, and then turned around and flew home to her 3 kids.) Love, thoughts and prayers, m

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Came through with Flying Colors

I'm home and feeling good. Everything went well, I don't even remember anything including leaving the prep room and entering the operating room, I was so out. Came home ate some toast and took a nap. Have talked to Annie, Kathleen, Tom, Karen and Janet, and figured I better update this blog so you all know how well I am.....on the other hand cousin Frank has been moved to ICU and is on a ventilator. Tomorrow they will go in and try to get the lung to inflat and remove any fluids in his lungs. He's the one who needs the prayers today. Janet had planed on spending the evening and nite with me....but she now is sick....and if better tomorrow she will be spending the day with Judy at the hospital. So.....don't worry about me tonite, just say a prayer for Frank and Judy. Love, m

P.S. Wyn (another former student worker) stopped in and visited with me before my surgery today...funny how all of a sudden so many of my former studentworkers have come back into my life.

Today's the Day!

Getting ready to go to the hospital to get my port inserted, so I'll be ready for chemo to start next Monday. My friend Bonnie Sass is going to spend the day with me at the hospital, and then our favorite cousin Janet is coming to spend the evening with they don't want me to be alone for 12 hours.....I'll try and update you later this afternoon and let you know how I'm doing. m

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Look for the Silver Lining and the Sun will Shine Through

Getting ready for the port to be inserted tomorrow....Bonnie Sass has agreed to take me and sit there till I'm done....I hope she has a good book...for Bonnie that shouldn't be a problem. The sun is now shining here in Coon Rapids. I think that is a good sign. I guess the power of all your prayers must be working.
Kathleen suggested that while she is here next week, she and Janet could clean my house and make it SPOTless....but I told her that would be a reach. Not that I think they couldn't do a great job....but it would take more than one cleaning.
I so enjoy reading your responses to my blog, and emails etc. Keep up the good work, Love ya, m

Monday, January 25, 2010

Finally Got the Show on the Road!

Jimbo came with me this a.m. to see Dr. Londer, and we now have officially got an appointment to start chemo next Monday morning at 9:00 a.m. I then came home and talked to Dr. Schlaefer (who Londer talked to while I was at his office) and he is now in the process of setting up a time to have my port inserted. He hopes to do it tomorrow or Wednesday, so I'll be all set for next Monday. (That now is set for Wednesday at 1:15 p.m. at North Memorial....may need someone to drive me to that.) The surgery will be done as an outpatient.....they make me drowsy but not really out. The port is totally under the skin unlike the catheter that I had problems with 14 years ago, so I think that will work much better, and they told me it has a lot less chance of infection. So that relieved my concerns about that....I also mentioned to both doctors the concern over the adhesive tapes etc. and Dr. Schlaefer promised not to put steri strips on the incision. I also mentioned to Londer about all my intestinal problems I've had since that "moviprep" episode, and he felt my tummy, and said he didn't feel any problems, so it's just still sore from all the vomiting and cramping I had. blood pressure was a little high (140/80) but nothing like it was last week at Mayo. So here we go!!!
This morning Joe and Sandi requested a spot, and they now officially have #54, and I just got a call that Frank and Judy are back home, evidently Frank tripped over his oxygen cord and fell into a kitchen Island and has 3 compress fractures in his vertabrae....I'm sure Judy will update us all on that soon. m

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Good Sunday Morning!

I am a Jew
Jesus is my name
And I am known for my fame
Healer of the sick, the lame and the blind
I will make the cancer go and your lungs will be just fine.
Still looking for the sun, but found this in my morning email from Janet:

Make that spot be a Jew
Let it think it has strength like me
For I am the King of Kings
All who believe in me will be set free

That spot has no power
That spot has no fame
I condemn that spot to 12 Hail Mary’s
And to never return again

Cock A Doodle Doo
I sing this song for you

So who need sunshine when I have all of you sending great poems, prayers and love.

Today I'm going to church, then out for breakfast with friends, then possibly a hockey game of granddaughter Allies, then off to Jimbo and Ann's to watch the Vikings beat the Saints. Also continue to celebrate Nicks birthday, Today is the real birthday, even thou he has been celebrating all weekend.
Tomorrow is the day I see Dr. Londer and get this show on the road. Love you all, m

Saturday, January 23, 2010

You Make Me Happy When Days are Gray!

The following poem was sent by Janet....she's crowing hard to get rid of her spot.

This poem is for you
Stomp out my spot and make it go away
For today is a great day
No spot of mine will stay!

This is my crow
I send my spot with a hearty throw
Go SPOT Go, See SPOT Fly
Now out of here and don’t return
Don’t even try!

Then I got this email from Denise Groll:
Hi Mary: I have tried to post a comment on your blog and haven't been successful, so I'll send the request in this email and cc my family, so we're all in it together.

On behalf of the Ed Schieber kids and significant others, I'm requesting 6 spots that we can adopt and our efforts will be to "shout them out"! Something like, "get out of there you stupid spot"! You have been such an inspiration and I appreciate your sharing of your thoughts/experiences as you graciously fight the battle.

Sending love and a big hug. Denise

Thank you so much, I am assuming Diane, Deb, Dar, Denise, Ed and Kelly right? I have had so much fun adopting out these spots, I guess you guys get #'s 45-50 wow! I don't know if my lungs have 50, but who's counting. They'll all be gone in a flash!! Love you all, m

I had a wonderful time yesterday with qigong, lunch and birthday party. Being around so many loving, caring family and friends really energizes me. But the rain and gloom outside makes me sing: Rain, Rain go away, come again another day!...and I continue to need your sunshine on days like today!!! m

P.S. found this in yesterdays comments:Hi Mary, Pandora and I would like to know if you have any spots left. If you do we would like two, We would not want the one to be lonely. By the way I here spots make good fish bait. I am taking the boat out so I will drop them to the bottom of the ocean. I will let you know what happened. Love Mike and Pandora So I'm giving them 51 and 52. Thanks again, Love m

Friday, January 22, 2010

Extravagant Grace Extravagent Love

Good Morning, I spent last evening at church for a Chocolate Retreat for Women. The evening was filled with dinner, chocolate in many forms, journaling, reflection, song and prayer. We ended with the song, Extravagant Grace, and the words "Taste and see that the Lord is good. He is gracious and compassionate. Slow to anger and rich in love. Extravagant grace flows down, Extravagant love all around. I can taste it. I can touch it. Its' like chocolate to my soul". We talked about turning our problems over to God and trusting he would take care of them.....You all know I did that in early December, and I have been lavished with love and support by my family and friends. I have an army of you praying for my spots. (by the way Jackie Patton took #43 this morning) I am at peace and know that God will carry me through this next period of my life. So it was so appropriate to celebrate God's grace last night with a group of women (some of whom are proud spot adopters). The last reflection question was "How can we reflect the grace God has lavished upon us so others see it when they look at us?".....I hope my smile, my laughter, and my love for all of you will continue to do this.
Today, I am going to have a Qigong session (energy healing) and then lunch with my former boss and great friend Rosie, along with a former boss of sorts and dear friend Brenda Dickenson. They both were with me through my first bouts of cancer....and I am so happy to have them with me now. Love, Thoughts and Prayers, m

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Finally saw the Wizard! and he's mixing a Brew for me.

Well, I'm back home and have a much better picture of what is going to happen now. This doctor was very good at explaining the plan etc. They will use FOLFOX which is short for the group of drugs they will be using. He said it would be administered with a port and a pump for 48 hours once every 2 weeks for 4 sessions, and then they would have me come back to Mayo for a scan to see how it is responding to it. If spots are gone, they could stop till they start growing again, or if not, they would go with another 4 sessions administered the same as the first. He said this drug regimen does not make you lose your hair, but some people will have some thinning of hair. (Who knows in my care I never do anything normal) He did say that the most common side effect is Diarrhea (which would be nothing new for me) and controlled with Imodium (also not new to me) He said they have had a lot of success with this recipe, and felt that I was starting out strong and that was in my favor. He reiterated that it will not be cured even if the spots disappear, (they would just be dormant) but that it was very treatable. He took Dr. Londers name and fax number and said he would contact him before the week was up, as I told him that I had an appointment with Londer on Monday. So I am assuming things will start pretty quickly on Monday, and should be finished with the first 4 sessions by April. He also said these things could all be worked around vacations etc. So exact dates don't exist. But I plan on making the trip to Disney with the gang on Easter break for District 11 the end of March. So for now, we'll see what Monday brings.....keep those prayers going on those spots....with the army of spot adopters, I should have this made in the shade!!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Didn't see the Wizard....just a Surgeon!

We didn't really learn anything new today, kinda anticlimactic! We thought Dr. Nelson was going to give me the plan on what they were going to do with me, and she only agreed with all the doctors I've seen in the last week, that she would not do surgery, as long as it is now in my lung as well. So now when I drive down in the morning, I will see the chemo doctor, and supposedly that doctor will give me the recipe of what chemo to use, but then I have to go back to the Humphrey Cancer Center at North Memorial, and see my doctor there....I've already made an appointment for next Monday....and then hopefully soon they will start treating the cancer. We (my kids) and I are kind of thinking it was all a waste of time and money. When we could have started chemo a month ago.
I did adopt out another spot today, Rita Culshaw has taken number 36. Poor Janet has to come over and get me tomorrow morning at 5:30 so we can be at Mayo by 8 for the appointment with the chemo doctor. Hopefully the last trip to Rochester in a while. I'm not disappointed about that!

Off to See the Wizard!

Today is the big day! I get to see the Surgeon, Dr. Heidi Nelson, and get a summary of all the tests and doctors I've seen. I am waiting for Annie and Jimbo to come and pick me up for the trip to Rochester. Have a 10 a.m. appointment to see a Radiologist at and then wait around till 2:30 when we have the big meeting to hear the plan for my future. I have no doubt that all of you will do your part and taking care of those adopted spots, so now we'll see what the doctors will do. I will update later this evening. It's a foggy morning, kinda appropriate. Till then, hope for Sunshine! Love, m

Monday, January 18, 2010

Response for spots it overwhelming!

I missed Karen's comment about wanting a she get's #31. You all have been so wonderful...jumping at the chance to help me....I can feel the love and energy entering my lungs and turning those spots into beautiful butterflies and flying away into the sunset! That's my visualization during my meditation prayers....I know it is working! Thank you all, and anyone who didn't get a spot....I still have plenty numbers to give away! Love, m
P.S. Thanks cousin Karen for thinking this amazing idea. m

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Out Damn Spot!

Hi Mary,

I want to claim one of your spots. I'm going to name it Shakespeare and and cuss "Out damn spot!" at it.

I was so surprised to read the news from your Mayo visit. I admire your attitude so much.

Lots of prayers for your healing!

Cindy, I think you get spot #20 and a gold star for the best prayer so far!!! Love ya, m


My friend Jan Ranum has taken #22 and Cherie Gardner and Barb Skierecki, have take #23 and they have named it Maxine (first one that has a real name!) but I still need to do adoption papers for them, then Kathleen has taken #24-30 for her family, Gary, Eric, Nathan, Blair and Jessie and Paulo. So the original number I came up with are all taken, however.....this was a guess, and the number could be 50?????? so I will continue to adopt out spots as long as people want them. Whatever it takes to get rid of them.
Got this email back from Jeanie, who adopted unlucky #13:
It said #13 for me in your blog, so I am considering myself the lucky one! #13 spot is the unlucky one and is on it's way, ta ta.

I look forward to the blog daily and have tried to post a comment, but have not yet succeeded. The communication coming from you is outstanding for all of us to keep up with you.

In order to post a blog, you have to click on the green comment at the bottom of each posting, sign in, and that is basically giving them your name and email address....wards off strangers we hope....but you give yourself a password as well and then the next time you go to post a comment you just signin with your password....I think. You can also become a follower, and they will email you with updates to my blog. So it's a pretty friendly blogspot. They don't send you junk mail or anything like that....and it's free.

Love & prayers for your energy to take charge, Jeanie

Here Comes the Sun!

As I was leaving church, I came upon Darrell Turner (A pillar of the church) and as I greated him, he said "Here comes the sun" and I knew he was right!
During church I was able to encourage adoption of my spots to Don and Dorothy Rein took number 7, Jean and Jim Ackerman took number 8, and Gary and Carolyn Buhr are adopting number 9. After church Margaret and Mike Kelly volunteered to take #10 (and Margaret really liked being a 10) JoAnn and Marv Erhler took #11 and JoAnn assured me that her sister Gwen Law would take #12. Then when I got home I opened my computer to find that Jeanie Podzimek has requested a spot, so she get's number 13. But she required adoption papers, so I'll have to come up with something for her. I think I'm doing pretty well getting rid of these spots...only 17 to go.
As a Schieber...."You Are My Sunshine" has always had special meaning, and as your love and prayers for your individual spots come my way, I will be thinking that you are my sunshine, shining on me and my spots! Thank you so much for the love, prayers, thoughts and concerns for me. m
Carol Kline took number 14 and Jimbo get's 15...then Math and Carol Stalboerger asked for #16. Janet has now promised to crow for #17 (inside joke), and Rosie Mortenson will take #18. Okay, Pat and Larry Wood get #19...only 11 to go! :)m

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Adopt a Spot!

Just got off the phone with my special cousin Karen (in Switzerland), and she came up with a really cool idea for me. Each of you can adopt a spot in my lungs and pray to eradicate it! That way I can get rid of all those spots in short order. I have been doing some qigong meditations, and it has me taking in all that love and prayers you are sending and using it to expel that excess energy in my lungs. So giving you each only one spot to work on will help me a lot. I have atleast 30 to be adopted, so sign up now for your spot. Karen has number one. Who will take two?
I didn't go out last nite....just couldn't get out of my jamies....but I have a goal of showering and dressing today and going grocery shopping.....I'm pretty sure I'll make it.....I'm feeling much better this a.m.....but haven't lost the sexy voice yet. Of course that call from Karen was a real boost to my spirits. That and a few emails I got last evening from friends I hadn't heard from in awhile. I just want all of you to know how much I appreciate your thoughts and prayers, it is what keeps me going. You are the wind beneath my wings! Love, m
Adopt a spot #2 goes to Bonnie Sass, #3 goes to Carolyn Breitbach (I ran into her at cub and she volunteered! Heather Sorrell get's number 4 and Chris Spence has number 5 only have about 25 left....get your's now! Mary Jindrich Helgeson gets #6.

Friday, January 15, 2010

What's Next?

I had problems all nite with my sinus's draining down my throat, and now this morning I have this cold, and I sound like my voice is several octaves lower than normal. I put in a call to mayo to my nurse practitioner, but her day off, so left a message with her secretary, saying I was wondering if this could have had an effect on any of the tests I took this week? So I continue to be special!! Nothing normal about me. Poor Janet is referring to our two nites supposed to be a slumber party as "the trip from hell" lol. Sorry Janet! Going to pursue more Qigong treatments today, and then I plan on going out this evening, and pretending this week didn't exist for a few hours. Going out for dinner and a play with the women of the North Suburban Women's Club. Keep those prayers coming my way. Love m

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Today's results

When I finally got to see my nurse practitioner, she went over all the tests I've had so far, and the results of the CT scan shows many spots in my lungs, and they believe that the rectal cancer has metastasized to the then I saw a lung surgeon, and he said that the spots were so small and spread around in both lungs, so they could not do surgery at this time, but he thinks Chemo would be the route to go....if at some point the Chemo has eradicated most of the spots and their were a few spots that were resistant to the chemo they could then consider surgery. The PET scan also showed that the rectal cancer had gotten smaller for some reason....I am thinking the Qigong session I had before Christmas is what helped that to shrink. Anyway, I still have to see the head surgeon Heidi Nelson on Tuesday, and she has the final say on what is going to happen, but it looks to me like chemo will be the first line of action, and we'll see where that goes and then go from there. So continue those is treatable so that is good.

Waiting Game

Well....I got up early showered and ate a few bites of oat meal and slurped some coffee down, and by that time Jimbo was here to pick me up.....drove down to Rochester for my 10:00 a.m. appointment, only to find out they had changed that appointment to next week on Wednesday. But still have a 12:30 and 2 p.m. appointments before we can drive back to the comforts of home.

My stomach is still gurgaling and distended, so that stuff is still sloshing around inside me. Still waiting for the big blowout when it decides to come out. But till then we are just sitting and waiting. Love, m

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Not a Happy End

Last nite, that dastardly stuff (moviprep) didn't prove to be the stuff for me....I was so sick.....cramps, bloating, and vomiting all nite, and then I had to drink it again at 4:30 a.m., and that wouldn't stay down either. Needless to say, they tried but were unable to do the colonoscopy and I will have to do it all again....hopefully with another product. I did have a PET scan after that, but between the two tests, I wasn't done till 2 p.m. I was so sick and weak, poor Janet had to drive me home. I've had a little sussess going to the bathroom this evening, but eating seems to be a problem. I did drink some gatorade my son Bill brought over for me, and I made myself some ramin....but only ate a few bits before I started to burp. So I think I just may have somemore water and go to bed. Tomorrow I have to drive back to Mayo, but Jimbo is taking me. I have a 10:00 appointment to see the ostomy department. I assume to get marked for where they are going to place it.....and I see the nurse practitioner and a surgeon who will be on the team of doctors working on me. Tuesday is still the day I meet the head surgeon Dr Heidi Nelson. Then I will get the plan, and know what is going to happen. More tomorrow. m

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

And So It Begins

I spent the whole day going from one office and test to another. First, someone took my history, then I had a physical, next blood work, chest xray and CT scan, along with meeting several different doctors and nurse practitioners. I made my way to the pharmacy, to stand in line to turn in the prescription....which was really a line to give you permission to wait and have your name called to go up and really turn in your prescription, and then I move to another waiting area where I waited for my name to come up on a screen, so I could get in another line to pick-up my prescription. All this for a solution to clean me out so that I can have a colonoscopty in the morning, and just as we were leaving the building, I got a call on my cell phone, they asked if I could come in early for the colonoscopy in the a.m.....I said sure without thinking what I was saying, now I have to get up at 4:15 and start drinking somemore dastardly stuff and sitting on the toilet for a couple hours before I go for my 7:30 appointment. When I finish that...I get to go have a PET scan before they will let me 48 hours later I may get to eat something other than clear liquid....okay, have I complained enough!!! This to will pass!!! Litterly!
Love m

Monday, January 11, 2010

Heading to Rochester

I will be taking off this afternoon for Rochester with Janet. I'm sure she will keep me entertained and laughing. My appointment for assessment at Mayo is at 8:30 tomorrow morning. I don't know what they plan on doing, but will let you know more tomorrow after that appointment. I appreciate all the thoughts and prayers, keep up the good work. Love ya, m

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Lunch with the Retiree's and Wantabee's

Had lunch today at Pizza Hut with a big group of my ARCC getting together with everyone. Was so nice to see some that I haven't seen in a long while and get caught up. It reminds me that friends are angels who lift us to our feet when our wings have trouble remembering how to fly. Love you all, m

Monday, January 4, 2010

January Blahs!!!

Well, after a fantastic time at Lutsen, I had my last Christmas gathering of the year on Sunday. My friends Barb, Cheri and Jan have been getting together for over 30 years now, alternating between our homes and exchanging gifts and a meal together. So nice to have good friends like that.
Today, I had my cousin Janet come and help me take down the Christmas Tree. Just after she got here, her sister Judy surprised us both and spent the afternoon visiting with us. Judy and I did a good job visiting while Janet undecorated the tree, and after dinner and Judy was on her way, we took the tree down and out to the curb and I vacuumed up the needles. So that job is done. Thanks to the best cousin in the whole world!!! Love ya, m

Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year

Thanks to all who supported me in thoughts and prayers, laughter, tears all 2009 and hope that it will continue in 2010. Love you, m