Sunday, January 24, 2010

Good Sunday Morning!

I am a Jew
Jesus is my name
And I am known for my fame
Healer of the sick, the lame and the blind
I will make the cancer go and your lungs will be just fine.
Still looking for the sun, but found this in my morning email from Janet:

Make that spot be a Jew
Let it think it has strength like me
For I am the King of Kings
All who believe in me will be set free

That spot has no power
That spot has no fame
I condemn that spot to 12 Hail Mary’s
And to never return again

Cock A Doodle Doo
I sing this song for you

So who need sunshine when I have all of you sending great poems, prayers and love.

Today I'm going to church, then out for breakfast with friends, then possibly a hockey game of granddaughter Allies, then off to Jimbo and Ann's to watch the Vikings beat the Saints. Also continue to celebrate Nicks birthday, Today is the real birthday, even thou he has been celebrating all weekend.
Tomorrow is the day I see Dr. Londer and get this show on the road. Love you all, m


  1. It's good Janet can still cockadoodle, and you are up for this. Hope things go well tomorrow, my T&P's are for you and spot, love, Jeanie

  2. Thanks Jeanie....I won't update the blog till after my doctors appointment this a.m. m
