Saturday, January 23, 2010

You Make Me Happy When Days are Gray!

The following poem was sent by Janet....she's crowing hard to get rid of her spot.

This poem is for you
Stomp out my spot and make it go away
For today is a great day
No spot of mine will stay!

This is my crow
I send my spot with a hearty throw
Go SPOT Go, See SPOT Fly
Now out of here and don’t return
Don’t even try!

Then I got this email from Denise Groll:
Hi Mary: I have tried to post a comment on your blog and haven't been successful, so I'll send the request in this email and cc my family, so we're all in it together.

On behalf of the Ed Schieber kids and significant others, I'm requesting 6 spots that we can adopt and our efforts will be to "shout them out"! Something like, "get out of there you stupid spot"! You have been such an inspiration and I appreciate your sharing of your thoughts/experiences as you graciously fight the battle.

Sending love and a big hug. Denise

Thank you so much, I am assuming Diane, Deb, Dar, Denise, Ed and Kelly right? I have had so much fun adopting out these spots, I guess you guys get #'s 45-50 wow! I don't know if my lungs have 50, but who's counting. They'll all be gone in a flash!! Love you all, m

I had a wonderful time yesterday with qigong, lunch and birthday party. Being around so many loving, caring family and friends really energizes me. But the rain and gloom outside makes me sing: Rain, Rain go away, come again another day!...and I continue to need your sunshine on days like today!!! m

P.S. found this in yesterdays comments:Hi Mary, Pandora and I would like to know if you have any spots left. If you do we would like two, We would not want the one to be lonely. By the way I here spots make good fish bait. I am taking the boat out so I will drop them to the bottom of the ocean. I will let you know what happened. Love Mike and Pandora So I'm giving them 51 and 52. Thanks again, Love m

1 comment:

  1. not interested in getting a single spot to pray for!!! i,m praying for all of them to go . love bill

    I guess my brother Bill gets all 1-52 spots!!! Love ya, m
