Thursday, January 3, 2008

An Enigma!

That's what the ostomy nurse calls me. The Coloplast system she had set me up with last week is especially for those with allergies, but I was the one in a million that couldn't use it. She said the Hollister brand I am using is usually the one everyone is allergic to. So you see I am an enigma!!! Any way I got a chance to see the skin under the bag and I have healed quite nicely. So things are going forward instead of backwards. My strength is coming back...I'm better each day. This a.m. I took a shower and washed my hair without assistance for the first time. I've fixed all my own meals today as well....also a first. So things are on the upswing.
Thanks for all the comments, I love reading them as well as the emails I've received. Keep the prayers coming...they are working....I can feel it! Love, m


  1. Your our "one in a million", and we love you a ton.

    Chicago Kieckers

  2. You go, girl! This is good news--keep it coming.

  3. Hi Mary

    Well we know you are special, but we didn't know just how much....
    We all know that this is going to over soon for you and you will be in europe before you know it with Kathleen and Gary. Keep thinking warm thoughts and angel arms around you it works......
    Love Ya Dar

  4. Mary,
    that is fantastic news. Keep moving forward.

    Maybe you can make the next retiree luncheon on Friday, 1/18, 12 noon at the Old Country Buffet. Everyone would be thrilled to see you. You would be the newest retiree!!!


  5. mary, you are truly an angel among us! hope and pray you will be enjoying your hard earned retirement very soon. cuz jeanie
