Sunday, January 20, 2008

Retirement Party

Last Thursday, the college threw me a retirement party and the TDC Gang managed to roast me from the crown on my head to the slippers on my toes. They crowned both Karen Orr and me with Queen for a day honors, even though I have been Queen Mary Mother Magnificent since my 50th birthday. (But that's another story.) They had prepared a great surprise slide presentation that played over and over during the party. After roasting Karen, it was my turn, and they managed some nice words inbetween "Maryisms" and the new words written to the tune of "You are my Sunshine" which had my family all in tears without hearing a word. Ann Sidoti (my first boss in Continuing Education and Customized Training) and Barry Lane who was a Director of Customized Training and a Instructor for us for many years both told some stories but also had some wonderful words. Then Pat Johns gave me a plaque the shape of MN with my name and years of service to the College engraved, a certificate signed by the Govenor of MN and a gift from the people at the college. (This was a digital frame with some of the pictures from the slide presentation already loaded on it.) There were many past and present employees of the college and both Karen and I had family and friends in attendance too. The TDC Gang gave me a beautiful vase handblown by Bob Toensing a famous art teacher at the college. I've been wanting that vase for over a year now, and in the past Bob wouldn't sell I really feel honored that he would allow it to be bought and given to me.
Following the party at the college we moved to the Moon Rock Cafe in Champlin, and preceeded to party till 8 p.m. More people that couldn't be at the college came to that, as well as, a lot who were at the college too. All the grandkids got to come to that and they got the honor of passing out the cake after it was cut.
I managed to enjoy the whole day by sitting as often as possible, continuing to drink my fluids and eating as often as possible, even though I couldn't finish my dinner, I boxed it and had three more meals from it. I didn't sleep well that night had too much on my mind. All the excitement I guess. The next day I went to lunch with some of the same people all staff from the college, mostly retired. But Friday nite I really slept good. Making up for the night before.
Yesterday and today I've had the pleasure of babysitting Matthew (Annie's youngest) as they had hockey games and didn't want him in the cold rinks. So I've been hybernating all weekend.
I'd like to thank all those that attended any of my parties, and for all the gifts and hugs and many kind words. I will get busy and write my Thank You's soon. I loved the parties, and love all of you. m

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