Thursday, January 24, 2008

Light At the End of the Tunnel

Saw the oncologist yesterday....and he said if I am comfortable not having chemo, he's comfortable with that too! They will continue to keep an eye on me, and have already scheduled a CTscan and appointment with him in April.
Today I saw the surgeon, and he checked me out with a scope and said that the incision looks perfect and I can have the ileostomy reversed as soon as possible. However, he is busy for the next two weeks, so as soon as possible will be Feb. 12 or 13th. I'm waiting for the hospital to call and let me know which day and time. So as I would prefer it was yesterday, I guess the 12th or 13th will be great!!! I will be in the hospital for about another 5 days, so that doesn't sound so bad. The good news is that Tom and Karen will be back from Vegas, so it won't be when they are out of town. It's bad enough they live in Chicago, at least it is driving distance. Vegas would be much harder. So I am happy for that. I'll update you when I know the date for sure. m

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