Friday, February 29, 2008


This week has been filled with trips to the bathroom, soaks in a tub to ease my sore butt and a few firsts! I filed my income taxes by myself for the first time and have already received my returns! Both State and Federal have been deposited to my checking account as of today. Last Saturday, I drove my car through a car wash by myself for the first time too! This was a big accomplishment, cause I never even rode along with Gene when the car was washed. Gene liked washing the car by himself when the weather permitted, and did take it to a car wash in the winter....but I finally got up enough nerve and the car was dirty enough to do it. And last but not least I received my first Social Security Check on Wednesday! It's official....I'm retired.
Last nite I attended a party for a retiree's 75th birthday, and had so much fun seeing a lot of other retiree's and a few of the those who are still working at the college. It was a pot luck and I managed to only hit the bathroom twice after dinner and managed to be one of the last to leave around 9 p.m. Nellie looked great for 75 and I plan on enjoying life and looking that good at 75 too! So all is well in my life. I'm starting to get ready for Sedona (I leave on March 11) and Kathleen and I are conversing often about our trip to Switzerland, and Karen emails answers to our questions as fast as we send them. Next week I should beable to make reservations at the Inn in Lockenhaus, Austria (Grandpa's hometown). So the excitement builds for that trip as well. I just need to start walking and getting in shape, I thought I would start last Monday....but it is Friday and haven't done it yet....maybe next Monday. Love to all, m

Saturday, February 23, 2008

No rest for the wicked!

Yesterday I spent at least 75% of my time in the bathroom. My butt was so sore! But things are looking up today. I've gone hours without visiting that room of the house. It must have been that lunch at Acapulco I had on Thursday that caused the seige. I'm going to have to pay attention to what I eat in the future and see if that is what makes the difference.
Took care of Matthew this a.m. when he got here he didn't want to stay and when his dad came to pick him up he wanted to stay with me. What a kid!
On TV this morning an author (Esau) was talking about his books, the first was "Surprise me God" and he said he tried to say this each morning for 30 days and journaled about it. Then he wrote "Be the Surprise"! I loved the idea and decided to tell God to surprise me each day too! So far today's surprise is staying out of the bathroom~ m

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Clipped and Clamped!!

Saw Dr. Schlaefer this a.m. and he clipped my staples and removed all of them. One step closer to the end of this! He explained the reason why I have to go to the bathroom so because I only have a small part of my rectum left and the colon has to stretch and adtapt to it's new job. So it may be a while before it does this. Until then I will be in the bathroom often and I am so happy to have a giant container of babywipes at my disposal. Enough potty talk. Other than that I really am doing well, I will return to see Dr. Schlaefer when I return from Sedona in April. He said to enjoy my trip!
This afternoon I had my annual mammogram e.i. clamped in a vice! So I think I've taken care of all ends of my body so far this year! God is Good and so is life! m

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Rise and Shine!

I think I'm walking straighter today than yesterday....and I thought I was doing well then. I even made a trip to the basement to do a load of laundry. Now I'm off to have my hair I will take care of the shining part of my headline. My tummy feels better, but I still look like I'm pregnant...the swelling hasn't quit gone. Finding pants to fit without feeling like a girdle constricting me is impossible. I guess it's still sweatpants for a while. Thank you for your continued thoughts, prayers and support in general!! Love ya, m

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Home Again, Home Again, Jiggidy Jig

My dear brother Phil arrived with his chariot at 11:30 a.m. and I was home by noon. It is so nice to be home, and I actually had real solid food for lunch. The doctor said to take it slow on the food....and to watch my fluids, so that is the plan. I go back on Thursday to have the staples taken out. But till then he just said to use my common sense. I can shower (which I can't wait to do)! The kids will be over later this afternoon after the hockey games. So life is good. Thank you all for the prayers for poop and my general health. Thank you Kathleen for the love and company and dusting the top of my TV cabinet!! I love you all, m

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Happy Days are Here Again...

The intestinal track is clear again..So let's sing a song of cheer again.. Happy Days are Here Again...

You guessed it. POOP! In the still of the night, a little grumble produced such promise. Although she has hit this benchmark she still is unable to go home. Having yet to consume solids they'll hang onto her until tomorrow. She also had a small bout of vomiting as we think things were just too backed up. Needless to say Mary is craving REAL food. Cousins, be ready to wine and dine.


Friday, February 15, 2008

HELP... I need somebody.....HELP

OK gang. I was serious when I said we need to pray for POOP!!! Mary can't go home until that happens. I realize this is out of the norm in terms of prayer subjects, but we have to do do what we have to do. So I've been prayin' have you?

Otherwise all is well....


Thursday, February 14, 2008

Head Games

Mary awoke at 4am with a pounding headache, a slight fever and tons of congestion. Doctor thinks it's a sinus infection. Needless to say she's not nearly as perky as she was yesterday. I'll keep you posted.

On the "up" side, as we always look at things that way, she does get a small bit of fluids today. She needs to go slowly as her digestive system has really gone through an upheaval.

Happy Valentines Day!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Don't Worry, Be Happy

Sorry for the delayed post. Again.. this job of mine is getting in the way of the important things. Need to work on that...

Everything is progressing nicely. Mary had a really good night. First, rather solid night sleep in a long,long time. She didn't have to get up to change that darn bag. How wonderful that must've felt. She's been up sitting and even managed to get up and walk a few different times. She had Qigong today as well, which was a really wonderful healing experience. Has yet to eat anything but that will happen, hopefully tomorrow. Tummy is grumbling and noisy, which is a super good sign. Hopefully the plumbing will start to kick in sooner rather than later. Lets all pray for Poop!! Can I say that? Oh gosh.. just did.......

A big thanx to Kathleen, who is keeping our fearless leader company, but please feel free to give a call. 763-257-8285

"Oh Happy Day"...

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Don't Go Changing...

There has been a room change.... I apologize if you've been trying to call. The new number is 763-257-8285... Now that pleases me...

I did have a chance to chat with Mary and she sounds fabulous. A bit horse, but she's in really good spirits. She has a room with a view and she couldn't be better even if she were twins..



OK.. So that isn't her phone number but... If you were to call 763-257-8284 you'll get to chat with Ms. Mary.. She is up and ready for action...


Cuts Like a Knife.....

In this case, a cut with a knife is a good thing. Mary went into surgery at around 8am and she's already in recovery. All went well! If she behaves and her intestines cooperate she could be home by Friday. Let's all pray for that….
Short and sweet. I'll update more as I hear.

Today's the Day!

Today I become whole again and I'm so excited. The first day of the rest of my life! (without a bag attached at the hip) It's a little after 5 a.m. and Kathleen and I are on our way to the hospital in a few minutes, but thought I'd say Good Morning! Oh Happy Day! before I hand the reigns over to Karen! Our super journalist for the week! m

Happy Birthday Janet, Reudi and Cuz Tina!!! Happy Anniversary Tom and Karen, I love you all! m

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Time Flys!

I can't believe how fast this week has gone. It's Saturday and I only have 3 days till my surgery. I spent the week watching the grandkids only Monday and Friday, and card club on Tuesday nite, but otherwise it was fairly quiet. I don't even know where the time went. I can see how retired people lose track of days and time. I did manage to produce a new CC newsletter for the cousins, which was one of my goals for the week. I have also realized that I have to set goals for myself, or I'll just fritter the time away watching TV and playing on the computer. So after today, my quiet week ends....I have 2 engagements for tomorrow besides church, and 2 more on Monday as well as picking Kathleen up at the airport, and then surgery and the hospital for the rest of the week!! I won't be writing the BLOG as of Tuesday....Karen my trusty, accomplished writer and dear daughter-in-law will take over for the week. I know some of you will appreciate her writing more then Janet....who complained when I got back to the Blog after the last surgery. Karen does a much better job then I...Much better grammar as well!
So till I'm back home and on my feet again....Keep the prayers coming, and I love you all. Please post comments, so Karen can read them to me, and Happy Valentines Day to all! Love m
P.S. Happy Birthday on the 12th to Ruedi Kobelt (Karen's husband in Switzerland), Janet from another Planet, and Christine Schieber (Uncle Ray's youngest girl). Also Happy Anniversary to Tom and Karen Kiecker.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

One Week and Counting!

Friday, Feb. 1, celebrating again. This time with LEW (League of Exceptional Women) of ARCC. We lunched at the Mad Hatter in Anoka, MN and all doned our hats (either our favorite or one from the MadHatter) of course Karen Orr and I both had special hats especially made for our special day! I'd love to show you a picture, but Karen hasn't sent me it yet....but will add when I get it. We were each given our hats, a LEW plaque and an Angel who's theme was Celebrate. I'm sure Karen joins me in thanking all those exceptional women who joined us for the tea!
That evening I moved to Annie's for the weekend, to help her watch Presley and William as Tom arrived late that nite and his plane left Saturday a.m. So as Annie and Doug moved the girls from one event (mostly hockey) to another, I was the one who stayed home and took care of whoever got left behind. By Monday morning, Jimbo and Ann were available to take the main caregiver roll, so I was able to come back home. So that explains my absense on the computer and on the blog.
Feb. 5, Super Tuesday, Mardi Gra or Maunday Tuesday or the day before Ash Wednesday or most importantly one week before my big surgery!!!
Kathleen called over the weekend and she is coming to be my "Good Luck Charm" during my surgery...which I am grateful for. My kids appreciate it it as well, takes some of the pressure off them. hehehe Kathleen will make sure I breath into that hideous spirometer, and get me up to walk miles in the hall! So that I can get out of the hospital asap. The doctor said Friday or Saturday if all goes well. So, I'll be back at North Memorial and looking to be home asap. Karen tells me that the 12th is a good day as it is Reudi's birthday, and Janet is celebrating a big 57 that day as I can't lose.