Saturday, February 23, 2008

No rest for the wicked!

Yesterday I spent at least 75% of my time in the bathroom. My butt was so sore! But things are looking up today. I've gone hours without visiting that room of the house. It must have been that lunch at Acapulco I had on Thursday that caused the seige. I'm going to have to pay attention to what I eat in the future and see if that is what makes the difference.
Took care of Matthew this a.m. when he got here he didn't want to stay and when his dad came to pick him up he wanted to stay with me. What a kid!
On TV this morning an author (Esau) was talking about his books, the first was "Surprise me God" and he said he tried to say this each morning for 30 days and journaled about it. Then he wrote "Be the Surprise"! I loved the idea and decided to tell God to surprise me each day too! So far today's surprise is staying out of the bathroom~ m

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