I can't believe how fast this week has gone. It's Saturday and I only have 3 days till my surgery. I spent the week watching the grandkids only Monday and Friday, and card club on Tuesday nite, but otherwise it was fairly quiet. I don't even know where the time went. I can see how retired people lose track of days and time. I did manage to produce a new CC newsletter for the cousins, which was one of my goals for the week. I have also realized that I have to set goals for myself, or I'll just fritter the time away watching TV and playing on the computer. So after today, my quiet week ends....I have 2 engagements for tomorrow besides church, and 2 more on Monday as well as picking Kathleen up at the airport, and then surgery and the hospital for the rest of the week!! I won't be writing the BLOG as of Tuesday....Karen my trusty, accomplished writer and dear daughter-in-law will take over for the week. I know some of you will appreciate her writing more then mine.....like Janet....who complained when I got back to the Blog after the last surgery. Karen does a much better job then I...Much better grammar as well!
So till I'm back home and on my feet again....Keep the prayers coming, and I love you all. Please post comments, so Karen can read them to me, and Happy Valentines Day to all! Love m
P.S. Happy Birthday on the 12th to Ruedi Kobelt (Karen's husband in Switzerland), Janet from another Planet, and Christine Schieber (Uncle Ray's youngest girl). Also Happy Anniversary to Tom and Karen Kiecker.
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