Friday, February 29, 2008


This week has been filled with trips to the bathroom, soaks in a tub to ease my sore butt and a few firsts! I filed my income taxes by myself for the first time and have already received my returns! Both State and Federal have been deposited to my checking account as of today. Last Saturday, I drove my car through a car wash by myself for the first time too! This was a big accomplishment, cause I never even rode along with Gene when the car was washed. Gene liked washing the car by himself when the weather permitted, and did take it to a car wash in the winter....but I finally got up enough nerve and the car was dirty enough to do it. And last but not least I received my first Social Security Check on Wednesday! It's official....I'm retired.
Last nite I attended a party for a retiree's 75th birthday, and had so much fun seeing a lot of other retiree's and a few of the those who are still working at the college. It was a pot luck and I managed to only hit the bathroom twice after dinner and managed to be one of the last to leave around 9 p.m. Nellie looked great for 75 and I plan on enjoying life and looking that good at 75 too! So all is well in my life. I'm starting to get ready for Sedona (I leave on March 11) and Kathleen and I are conversing often about our trip to Switzerland, and Karen emails answers to our questions as fast as we send them. Next week I should beable to make reservations at the Inn in Lockenhaus, Austria (Grandpa's hometown). So the excitement builds for that trip as well. I just need to start walking and getting in shape, I thought I would start last Monday....but it is Friday and haven't done it yet....maybe next Monday. Love to all, m

1 comment:

  1. Seeing you at Nellie's birthday party was great. You are looking so good and continue to be such an inspiration. Keep it up. I know attitude is a big part of recovery--that's why you are doing so well.
