Tuesday, January 12, 2010

And So It Begins

I spent the whole day going from one office and test to another. First, someone took my history, then I had a physical, next blood work, chest xray and CT scan, along with meeting several different doctors and nurse practitioners. I made my way to the pharmacy, to stand in line to turn in the prescription....which was really a line to give you permission to wait and have your name called to go up and really turn in your prescription, and then I move to another waiting area where I waited for my name to come up on a screen, so I could get in another line to pick-up my prescription. All this for a solution to clean me out so that I can have a colonoscopty in the morning, and just as we were leaving the building, I got a call on my cell phone, they asked if I could come in early for the colonoscopy in the a.m.....I said sure without thinking what I was saying, now I have to get up at 4:15 and start drinking somemore dastardly stuff and sitting on the toilet for a couple hours before I go for my 7:30 appointment. When I finish that...I get to go have a PET scan before they will let me eat....so 48 hours later I may get to eat something other than clear liquid....okay, have I complained enough!!! This to will pass!!! Litterly!
Love m


  1. Mary -- thinking about you everyday -- hang in there you have a lot of support coming your way.

  2. Keeping you close at heart and in my daily prayers.
    Much Love,
    Kim Weimer

  3. Hi Mary sorry to hear you have to go through all those tests...I had not heard if your cancer has come back.. is that what you are getting tested for?

  4. Yep, that was confirmed before Christmas. But the doctors up here decided that they could do more for me at Mayo....so that is why I am here.
