Friday, January 29, 2010

Cold but Sunny

Good Morning, not a lot to report, but I did hear from Judy late last night, and she too wants to thank all of you for the prayers, as Frank seems to be getting better. I also got some wonderful phone calls yesterday, from some who don't have email, and just checking up on me, and some who do, and just wanted to visit. It was my son Bill's birthday yesterday, and I had a nice long talk with him, and then my neice Jessie called as her husband Paulo has the same birthday. I also got several old fashion greating cards, sent by snail mail, and lovely notes from my neice Blair and Mary Lou Mathoweitz. I also got an email from Imelda Neis, one of the printers wives and great friend who is also undergoing chemo at this time at the same clinic I am, however her treatments are on Thursdays and mine on Mondays, but we hope to bump into each other there some time in the near future. I also have her on my prayer list.
Late yesterday afternoon, I went to the movie "It's Complicated" with my friends Bonnie Sass and Lois Bjerke, and laughed our butts off. Great medicine. However, I had to say goodbye to Bonnie for the next two months as she left this morning for Sedona (the luck). She will be soaking up all the sun and sending it in my direction. Maybe, I'll get to spend a week with her. But for sure I am going to Florida the end of March, I sent in my payment yesterday. Not only will I have sunshine there, but lots of family and friends. I can't wait.
Today, I need to go shopping for Bill's birthday present and some food to make him, and the rest of the family, dinner on Sunday. So that said, I better get dressed and get going. Love and prayers, m

1 comment:

  1. Got myself hooked up with Skype today....anyone else out there that I can call and talk to with it? m
