Monday, January 25, 2010

Finally Got the Show on the Road!

Jimbo came with me this a.m. to see Dr. Londer, and we now have officially got an appointment to start chemo next Monday morning at 9:00 a.m. I then came home and talked to Dr. Schlaefer (who Londer talked to while I was at his office) and he is now in the process of setting up a time to have my port inserted. He hopes to do it tomorrow or Wednesday, so I'll be all set for next Monday. (That now is set for Wednesday at 1:15 p.m. at North Memorial....may need someone to drive me to that.) The surgery will be done as an outpatient.....they make me drowsy but not really out. The port is totally under the skin unlike the catheter that I had problems with 14 years ago, so I think that will work much better, and they told me it has a lot less chance of infection. So that relieved my concerns about that....I also mentioned to both doctors the concern over the adhesive tapes etc. and Dr. Schlaefer promised not to put steri strips on the incision. I also mentioned to Londer about all my intestinal problems I've had since that "moviprep" episode, and he felt my tummy, and said he didn't feel any problems, so it's just still sore from all the vomiting and cramping I had. blood pressure was a little high (140/80) but nothing like it was last week at Mayo. So here we go!!!
This morning Joe and Sandi requested a spot, and they now officially have #54, and I just got a call that Frank and Judy are back home, evidently Frank tripped over his oxygen cord and fell into a kitchen Island and has 3 compress fractures in his vertabrae....I'm sure Judy will update us all on that soon. m


  1. Good Golly Girl

    you have so much spunk, and cheerfulness in lieu of all that is going on with you. You just can't imagine how much I admire your tenacity and your love for life, no matter what it brings.

    I have just read all your entries on your blog site (couldn't find a way to leave a message, so thus this way) and I just can't believe all you have gone thru since the last time we emailed. Your trips to Rochester must have been exhausting and I am so glad that you can stay this direction for treatment.

    After I started reading about your "adoptions", I too want to adopt ---- no papers required though! You always seems to have such unique ways of looking at things. I am in awe of your faith and your strength ----

    You're entry for January 25 - no mention of the Vikes ---- are you as sad as I am???? I so thought they had a good chance, but when Brett got hurt with his foot, I thought that's it! It pained me to watch him play, I just don't think he could "plant" his foot very solidly and thus the bad passes ---- it was fun to see them get this far though and the loss can't be blamed on Favre - there are other team members and some of them didn't do too well either. Onto next year!!

    Well my prayers, thoughts are certainly with you, my admiration for how you deal with everything is unquestionable - and even keeping up with activities - don’t know how you do it. I am afraid I would be a basket case -- but I also know that God gives us strength to deal with whatever life throws at us and He never leaves us to deal with it alone. I know He is there solidly with you too and I just pray for good outcomes, for the Chemo to shrink the spots and for the "adopted" cells to be gone ----- we will blast them into "outer space" never to be seen again.

    Hi to the kids -- hopefully and prayerfully, when the weather treats us better, the roads are better, we can meet up --- I am still trying to work an angle to get over to Pizza Hut to see everyone though -- even if just to visit, not much of a pizza fan.

    You take care, my friend - God loves you and so do I - You're my hero "beneath my wings" --

    Mary (no longer #1, you bypassed that long ago)

    Thanks so much Mary you get #55. Would love to see you some time in the near future.
    That Viking game still have me in Shock!!! I really thought they were going to do it....I can't believe we didn't pull it out.
    Love you too! m

  2. Hi Mary... if someone has signed up for # 56 - I would like to take #57 - specifically this number.. because # 5 is Sheri's favorite # and # 7 if my favorite #... WE BOTH WILL BE PRAYING for you and sending positive vibes to you!!! Take Care! Sheila Provost and Sheri Christensen

  3. Sheila and Sheri, I'll skip over #56 and give you #57 as you requested. The next request can have 56 then. Thanks for the positive vibes and the prayers...that spot will have double trouble! :) m

  4. The port is a great way to go, hope your's is perfect. Glad to hear the show is on the road, T&P's, love, Jeanie

  5. Mary - Please add me to the list for #56. I'm holding you up in prayer.

