Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Look for the Silver Lining and the Sun will Shine Through

Getting ready for the port to be inserted tomorrow....Bonnie Sass has agreed to take me and sit there till I'm done....I hope she has a good book...for Bonnie that shouldn't be a problem. The sun is now shining here in Coon Rapids. I think that is a good sign. I guess the power of all your prayers must be working.
Kathleen suggested that while she is here next week, she and Janet could clean my house and make it SPOTless....but I told her that would be a reach. Not that I think they couldn't do a great job....but it would take more than one cleaning.
I so enjoy reading your responses to my blog, and emails etc. Keep up the good work, Love ya, m


  1. Just wanted to say “HI”!!! I also would like to adopt spot #62 when you get to that number as then I can make it RETIRE!!!
    Love your positive attitude!!!!! Hang in there!!!! You got it Pat. m

  2. Got a nice card today from Elaine and Jeff in Hawaii, and they want to pray for all the spots too. So I am putting them in at #58. Thanks for the nice note and the prayers, m
