Friday, May 31, 2013

Happy Birthday to Mary's favorite!!

Happy 50th Tom.. Your Mom and Dad are smiling down on you.. I so wish your Mom was here to see you on this day.. Up at the cabin.. listening to Martin Zellar...We were all so looking forward to it!!  I love you!!

Sunday, March 10, 2013


Good morning.

As we've been preparing for the next two days, we would like to request that celebratory colors are worn.  If you're comfortable, throw on your favorite fashion as Mom was all about bright colors and she would want her send off to look like a rainbow!  A bit unconventional, but we just thought it might be something she would love!

Do not stand at my grave and weep.
 I am not there.  I do not sleep
  I am a thousand winds that blow
   I am the diamond glints on snow
    I am the gentle autumn rain
  When you awaken in the morning's rush
 I am the swift uplifting rush of quiet birds of circling flight
I am the soft star that shines at night.
  Do not stand at my grave and cry.
      I am not there
           I did not die!
                 -Mary Elizabeth Frye

Friday, March 8, 2013

You Are My Sunshine

Mary ordered up an absolutely beautiful day for us!  The sun is bright and we feel the warmth of her love upon us!  It's still hard to believe that yesterday happened.

I want you all to know that things happened very rapidly yesterday and we were all shocked at how quickly things deteriorated.  She was still relatively alert when we brought her into the ER.  Once her pain was managed she said she felt so much better.  Her friend Roger McCullough came and read Psalm 23 and prayed with Mary.  It was powerful and Mom was so pleased.  It was a very significant moment and really put her at peace.  She was not alert to any degree after he left.  Thank you Roger for providing such a gift.  Words can never express how grateful  we are for the comfort you gave her.

Mary passed with family, and grandchildren at her side.  We were all paying over her and during the Lords Prayer Mom took her last breath.  Thank you God for your mercy in acting so swiftly.

Wake 4pm-9pm
Sunday, March 10th
7pm-Prayer service
1827 Coon Rapids Blvd
Coon Rapids

Monday, March 11
St Timothy's Catholic Church
707 NE 89th Street
9am viewing
10am service
Luncheon immediately following

Burial to follow luncheon
Morningside Cemetery
11800 University Ave North
Coon Rapids

Thursday, March 7, 2013


For those of you that would like to come celebrate Mary's life and legacy we will be at Mary's place tonight.  You're welcome to come by anytime after 6:00pm

We will post wake and funeral arrangements as they fall into place!


Rest in Peace

Mary passed peacefully at 2:54 pm.

The Lord is My Shepherd

Mary's earthly journey is nearing a close.  Her condition has worsened while at Mercy and we have moved fully into hospice care.  She has been resting and is not alert, but we know she feels our presence.

Even though I walk
 through the valley of the shadow of death
I will fear no evil
 for you are with me
Psalm 23:4


Mary is settled in the ER.  They've administered pain medication and an IV.  She is resting now, in relative comfort.

We are at the painful point of making some very difficult decisions with regard to Mary's care.  The Doctor explained that his #1 priority is to make Mom comfortable.  Beyond that we will be having to discuss a plan for Hospice care.  We will know more and I will update when I can.



After a much better day yesterday Mary took a turn and requested her family. She is in a tremendous amount of pain. We are on our way back to Mercy

Tuesday, March 5, 2013


I'm speechless.  Today has been a crazy day.  Mary went to Mercy hospital, but by 7pm she was being discharged as they didn't have room for her!  She is honestly in no condition to be moved but the hospital did so anyway. Given the severe dehydration she has been a bit confused and delusional.  Not really making a whole lot of sense.  We hope that will change as she gets food and fluids.   She is now back at Camilla Rose, and our hope is that they'll give her IV fluids there so we don't have this issue again.  Bill, Annie and Jimbo are going to meet with the nurses in the morning to discuss IV's and plans going forward.  I'm actually going to drive up in the a.m to help out and spend some time with Mom, so this will be my final update until tomorrow evening.

(Tom's Wife)

ps..I know many of you have inquired about visiting.  Please do so.  We're not sure how much longer she'll be at Camilla Rose, but she is there for now.  Her phone # is 763-489-3633 if you would like to call in advance.  She loves having people there in the room with her.  Although she may not be chatty, she has commented numerous times that she always feels better when people are there with her.

Quick Report

Not a ton to report!  Mary is at Mercy Hospital for now being treated for severe dehydration.  She is hooked to an IV and her blood work all came back good.  Had they waited to take her to the hospital things would've been very dire.  In order to go back to Camilla Rose she needs to be able to eat and drink, on her own.  To that end they are working to find solutions.  They gave her some medication called "magic mouthwash" which will help her esophagus.  She may have a fungal infection which could be the cause of all the discomfort.   She did order some jello so we'll see how she manages that and go from there...



This word has so many meanings to me.  Right now I just want someone to transport my whole family to Minnesota so we can be by Mary's side.  I also wish someone would just transport me to an easier time when this darn cancer didn't ravage those I love!

Literally, as I write, Mary is waiting for transport to Mercy hospital.  She is severely dehydrated and has not eaten in multiple days.  They will be putting her on an IV and although not thrilled to be going back to the hospital she said she'll go anywhere if it will make her feel better.  She sounded weak when we spoke as she has thrown up twice.  I pray that the transport comes soon so they can start fluids.

I will update the blog again as soon as she is at the hospital and I get word of how she is doing!

Where ever you are and whatever you're doing please stop and take a moment to say some prayers.


Monday, March 4, 2013

Cross Roads

Up until today I always thought of a cross-road as a fork in the road.  An opportunity to choose what road to travel when they intersect.  To stay on the path that is familiar or to turn off and go in a different direction.  Mary is at a cross-road but it is of a very different kind.  It's not the kind we typically think of.

The Oncologist appointment today was relatively routine.  The protocol is to continue pain management.  They're going to try a medication that will help the discomfort when she swallows.  She is having such issues that eating has become extremely difficult.  The Doctor re-iterated that she needs to make monumental progress in her mobility in order to resume chemo.  She is starting to develop pressure sores, so movement is so important.  We don't want the sores to cause even more discomfort and complications.  We have set another appointment for April 3.  If there hasn't been marked improvement our choices are limited.  At this point, it's all about making Mary comfortable and to continue with PT and pray this new med can aid in her ability to eat.

In my heart whichever road Mary is traveling, it is a CROSS-road.  She was sealed with the sign of the cross through Holy Baptism, and she is a child of GOD.  There are not choices, or decisions on what paths to choose.  She is blessed and God is well pleased!

Do not be anxious about anything but in everything, by prayer and petition,
with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.
And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard
your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
Philippians 4:6-7


Sunday, March 3, 2013


I'm anxious about tomorrows Oncologist visit.  Mary isn't really eating anything unless friends or family are there to encourage her.  She tells the nurses she's not hungry and they say "ok".  ARRRRGHHH.. I find this so incredibly frustrating.  She did have a Shamrock Shake today.  Gotta love that.  Hopefully the luck of the Irish will be with her tomorrow!  After tomorrows Doctors visit, we hope to get a rotation of friends to join in the "Feed Mary" effort.  No one likes to eat alone so perhaps if some friends can come share a meal with her she may be more inclined to eat a bit more!  I'll keep you posted!

So tonight, as you lay down to sleep a simple prayer would be greatly appreciated!