Tuesday, March 5, 2013


I'm speechless.  Today has been a crazy day.  Mary went to Mercy hospital, but by 7pm she was being discharged as they didn't have room for her!  She is honestly in no condition to be moved but the hospital did so anyway. Given the severe dehydration she has been a bit confused and delusional.  Not really making a whole lot of sense.  We hope that will change as she gets food and fluids.   She is now back at Camilla Rose, and our hope is that they'll give her IV fluids there so we don't have this issue again.  Bill, Annie and Jimbo are going to meet with the nurses in the morning to discuss IV's and plans going forward.  I'm actually going to drive up in the a.m to help out and spend some time with Mom, so this will be my final update until tomorrow evening.

(Tom's Wife)

ps..I know many of you have inquired about visiting.  Please do so.  We're not sure how much longer she'll be at Camilla Rose, but she is there for now.  Her phone # is 763-489-3633 if you would like to call in advance.  She loves having people there in the room with her.  Although she may not be chatty, she has commented numerous times that she always feels better when people are there with her.


  1. That is INSANE that they could not admit her...I understand why you are speechless, Karen!! Mary, praying that you have a better day today and can take some fluids in, and get some good rest so that you can visit with the Chicago Kieckers when they arrive. Praying for safe travels for you guys. Thanks so much for the updates, our prayers are constantly with you all. Take good care.
    Love & prayers,
    Alan & Debbie Koffski

  2. Oh my goodness! That is crazy!!! Aunt Mary, I love you! karen, thank you for updating,& sooo glad you are coming to visit:-) I will watch posting as to where she will be, but will.visit friday night:-) xoxo, carrie

  3. Mary, that is just crazy! Once you are there, you should have priority! Sometimes I wonder about our healthcare system! I hope Camelia Rose can do IVs. You certainly don't need to keep moving around.
