Monday, March 4, 2013

Cross Roads

Up until today I always thought of a cross-road as a fork in the road.  An opportunity to choose what road to travel when they intersect.  To stay on the path that is familiar or to turn off and go in a different direction.  Mary is at a cross-road but it is of a very different kind.  It's not the kind we typically think of.

The Oncologist appointment today was relatively routine.  The protocol is to continue pain management.  They're going to try a medication that will help the discomfort when she swallows.  She is having such issues that eating has become extremely difficult.  The Doctor re-iterated that she needs to make monumental progress in her mobility in order to resume chemo.  She is starting to develop pressure sores, so movement is so important.  We don't want the sores to cause even more discomfort and complications.  We have set another appointment for April 3.  If there hasn't been marked improvement our choices are limited.  At this point, it's all about making Mary comfortable and to continue with PT and pray this new med can aid in her ability to eat.

In my heart whichever road Mary is traveling, it is a CROSS-road.  She was sealed with the sign of the cross through Holy Baptism, and she is a child of GOD.  There are not choices, or decisions on what paths to choose.  She is blessed and God is well pleased!

Do not be anxious about anything but in everything, by prayer and petition,
with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.
And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard
your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
Philippians 4:6-7


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