I can't believe my days are up! We hiked in a State Park yesterday afternoon, and then finished up the food in the house for dinner and started packing for home. This morning we ate breakfast out at a local must! The Coffee Pot in the shadows of the rock formation by the same name. Today we are running errands and condo shopping for next year for Bonnie (not to say I might not visit her again!)
We hope to bring sunshine back with us when we leave tomorrow. We have to drive to Vegas for the plane trip, so we will be out of here by 10 a.m. (our plane doesn't leave till 6:00 p.m.) and we don't get in till 11 p.m. MN time. I hear it is snowing today in MN. So we are dressing in layers....the less to pack, in our over stuffed suitcases. See you all soon! Love from Sunny Arizona, m
Monday, March 31, 2008
Friday, March 28, 2008
The Last Friday
What a great relaxing day yesterday was....I think today will be the same. We went uptown and shopped yesterday, gathering those things to take home for the grandkids and those items I just couldn't leave behind for myself. Then after lunch Bonnie and I had massages again at the massage school not far from her condo. It felt so good. Then had a relaxing evening, and today we are going to another area to look at the shops and Bonnie has to work this afternoon. So tonite we are going out for dinner in uptown at a well known mexican restuarant...the same one Kathleen and I ate at about 11 years ago. It has great views of the red rocks and great food to boot. I bet the margarita's are great too! Hiking another vortex tomorrow and grilling steak....we need to empty the freezer before we leave on Tuesday. I think that is the last meat we have...so may have to eat out a lot this weekend and Monday. Hate the thought of leaving this warmth when it hasn't warmed any since I left Minnesota. Still the same snow and cold. It will be a rude awakening on Tuesday nite. So till I can make this computer work again...I'll sign off. m
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Montezuma's Revenge
Yesterday, March 25, we drove up Oak Creek Canyon, and hiked at two different locations and had a picnic lunch, then we drove the rest of the way up for a spectacular view of the whole canyon. It was a very enjoyable day, but as we got home, I hit the bathroom and was in there every five minutes for the evening....I guess it was that dairy queen we stoped at on the way home....but the hot fudge sundae really tasted good sitting outside in the sun while we ate it. By bedtime, it had subsided and was all good for the evening. Then this morning, Wednesday, March 26 we headed for Cottonwood and Montezuma's Castle and spent a enjoyable morning there listening to a park ranger and a Hopi native talk about his tribe. Then on the way home we were starving so we went to the Airport Restuarant for lunch and I couldn't resist ordering a Chicken Fajita Quesidilla for lunch, and wouldn't you know it, but I spent the next hour back in the bathroom. I guess I better either take two lactiads before eating dairy or abstain all together. But I love those dairy products so much....I need to figure this out before going to Switzerland and all that great cheese! Love ya, m
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Computer Glich!
For some reason, this wireless connection doesn't work all the time, and sometimes I can read my email, but can't get into this blog....so needless to say it has been days since you heard from me.
Saturday Bonnie and I hiked in to a vortex...along a creek under cathedral rock. It was a beautiful day and so fun to see the cairns that people had built in the rocks. Sunday I went to church and it was a wonderful service...with only a few tears. Easter last year is when Gene really started going downhill fast. He didn't even go to church with me. But I talked to all the kids and that made me feel so much better. I don't think I want to be away from all of them at Easter again though. It felt like something was missing all day. Bonnie's friends invited us over for dinner along with another couple....so it was nice to be with people having a ham dinner to make the day seem a little normal. It was gorgeous weather...and I got to wear my new easter outfit.
Yesterday Bonnie and I drove up to the Grand Canyon and really had another good day. We road a shuttle along the rim out to Hermits rest and back getting off to walk along the edge and see the views several times. Then we drove east along the rim and stopped at several more spots to get out and see the Grand View. We didn't get back to the condo till about 6:30, and kinda just rested on the couch the rest of the evening.
Today we are going hiking in Oak Creek Canyon...and tomorrow to Montezuma's Well. Have to get in all the sites before the end of the week...as next Tuesday we leave for Vegas and cold points beyond! I can't believe what crappy weather MN is having....sure glad I'm here. Love ya, m
Saturday Bonnie and I hiked in to a vortex...along a creek under cathedral rock. It was a beautiful day and so fun to see the cairns that people had built in the rocks. Sunday I went to church and it was a wonderful service...with only a few tears. Easter last year is when Gene really started going downhill fast. He didn't even go to church with me. But I talked to all the kids and that made me feel so much better. I don't think I want to be away from all of them at Easter again though. It felt like something was missing all day. Bonnie's friends invited us over for dinner along with another couple....so it was nice to be with people having a ham dinner to make the day seem a little normal. It was gorgeous weather...and I got to wear my new easter outfit.
Yesterday Bonnie and I drove up to the Grand Canyon and really had another good day. We road a shuttle along the rim out to Hermits rest and back getting off to walk along the edge and see the views several times. Then we drove east along the rim and stopped at several more spots to get out and see the Grand View. We didn't get back to the condo till about 6:30, and kinda just rested on the couch the rest of the evening.
Today we are going hiking in Oak Creek Canyon...and tomorrow to Montezuma's Well. Have to get in all the sites before the end of the week...as next Tuesday we leave for Vegas and cold points beyond! I can't believe what crappy weather MN is having....sure glad I'm here. Love ya, m
Friday, March 21, 2008
Good Friday in more ways than one
Friday, March 21
The sun is shinning, not a cloud in the sky, the birds are singing and gather in the area behind our patio and graze on bugs and seeds we throw out for them...the flowers are blooming and it is warmer every day. Yesterday I was on my own again....so I took my walk through the park and adjoining area of condos in a sleeveless top. Then I sat in the sun and read for awhile. After Bonnie got home we went to a labyrinth to walk and meditate that is only a couple of blocks from Bonnie's condo. Her friend told us about it the day before. We may beable to walk to this one. Then we got ready for dinner. I treated Bonnie for dinner last nite as it was her birthday, and then we went to church at the Catholic church in town. But they used so much incense and so often, it was like we were sitting in a cloud and Bonnie got a bad headache....she is rethinking going back for Easter Sunday service with me. Other than the incense....it was a nice service, and most of the readings were read in both english and spanish...so a different experience for me.
Today we are going to look at some condo's that will be for rent next year. Bonnie is trying to decide if she will stay in this area or go to the Village of Oak Creek kind of a suburb of Sedona and a little more rural. They have some condo's on a golf course that we are going to look at. Then we will go to church for the Good Friday service at 1 p.m. and get our walk in this a.m. before it is too hot. Don't know what the rest of the day will bring, but I'll let you know tomorrow. Love m
The sun is shinning, not a cloud in the sky, the birds are singing and gather in the area behind our patio and graze on bugs and seeds we throw out for them...the flowers are blooming and it is warmer every day. Yesterday I was on my own again....so I took my walk through the park and adjoining area of condos in a sleeveless top. Then I sat in the sun and read for awhile. After Bonnie got home we went to a labyrinth to walk and meditate that is only a couple of blocks from Bonnie's condo. Her friend told us about it the day before. We may beable to walk to this one. Then we got ready for dinner. I treated Bonnie for dinner last nite as it was her birthday, and then we went to church at the Catholic church in town. But they used so much incense and so often, it was like we were sitting in a cloud and Bonnie got a bad headache....she is rethinking going back for Easter Sunday service with me. Other than the incense....it was a nice service, and most of the readings were read in both english and spanish...so a different experience for me.
Today we are going to look at some condo's that will be for rent next year. Bonnie is trying to decide if she will stay in this area or go to the Village of Oak Creek kind of a suburb of Sedona and a little more rural. They have some condo's on a golf course that we are going to look at. Then we will go to church for the Good Friday service at 1 p.m. and get our walk in this a.m. before it is too hot. Don't know what the rest of the day will bring, but I'll let you know tomorrow. Love m
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
The swallows return to Capistrano
Hi, It's March 19, the feast of St. Joseph, and the swallows return to Capistrano. It was such a beautiful day here....we picked up a high school classmate of Bonnie's, after doing the weekly cleaning of the condo. We headed to Uptown Sedona for lunch, shopping and to get on the trolley that took us on a tour of the area and canyons. It was fun and stopped to take a few pictures and learned a lot about the area. Then late afternoon we went back to Judy's home which is only two blocks from Bonnies unit and she had a surprise birthday cake for Bonnie...who's birthday is tomorrow. She was so thrilled. Couldn't remember the last time she had a birthday cake. We had a fun day and are taking it easy again this evening. Watching TV. Last nite I made Bonnie watch the "Biggest Loser" and will probably make it do it again next week. But on Thursday evenings she makes me watch "Lost" but I don't watch, I read...finished my "Be the Surprise" this a.m. and now am on to some fiction. Tomorrow Bonnie has to work at the library again, and I am taking her out for dinner for her birthday...it is the 20th. Then we'll go to the Maundy Thursday service at the Catholic church here in Sedona, on Friday we're going to the Lutheran Church for it's service at 1 p.m. The town is really crowded this week as it is spring break for so many and Holy Week. Hope everyone is staying dry and warm. Love, m
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
March 18, 2008
The sun is shinning and it looks to be a nice day. Bonnie is volunteering again this a.m. at the library, and I am doing some laundry and sitting in the sun and reading my book. By the way...I'm onto the second one..."Be the Surprise" I highly recommend both of these books.
This afternoon we have some errands to run and then we are going to take another hike. So I'm looking forward to that. All is well, Love ya, m
This afternoon we have some errands to run and then we are going to take another hike. So I'm looking forward to that. All is well, Love ya, m
Monday, March 17, 2008
Happy St. Patricks Day
It may have snowed yesterday....but it's green here today. Not terribly warm...but the sun is shinning and the sky is blue. Went to see another movie as nothing on the 500 directTV channels. We saw Vantage Point last evening and it was really good. Today we are both getting a massage at noon and then Bonnie will be off with her friend Charlie for the afternoon and early evening. So I guess I'll take a walk and do some laundry, nothing exciting. Gosh and be Glory! Have a Happy Day! Love, m
Sunday, March 16, 2008
The Rain Must Fall
Cloudy day and we are off to church, predicting rain or snow for the evening. If it snows we may not go to the Celtic concert this afternoon in Cottonwood. The parade yesterday was really fun, and they had a live band playing in a plaza after that we listened too for a while....then we had lunch and headed back to the condo....with a short stop at the Safeway to pick up Powerball tickets with dreams of what we could buy with the winnings, unfortunately neither of us matched more than one number. Had dinner in and watched a movie in last night. Kind of a lazy afternoon, but it was so windy outside you got sand blasted.
So we will see what today brings besides percipitation. m
So we will see what today brings besides percipitation. m
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Parade Day
March 15, 2008
Hiked to Coffee Pot a 3 mile hike yesterday and made it no worse for wear. I am so happy I was able to keep up with the others with no huffing and puffing, altitude and 1 month out of 2 surgeries for the winter, I think I have bounced back. We hiked with Bonnie's friends Charlie and Larry and when we got back to the suburban of Larry's, he had lost his reverse, so they had to push the car backwards to get out of the parking lot and then was able to drop us off out on the street and we walked into Bonnie's unit about 1 short block. Luckily Larry has another car here and hoped to get the suburban into a garage to be fixed on Monday.
Last nite Bonnie and I went to see "Horton Hears a Who" and it was very cute, we laughed a lot.
Saturday, March 15, Happy Birthday Annie!
Today we are off to the St. Patricks Day Parade and other festivities in Old Town, and who knows what this evening will bring. Tomorrow we will go to a Celtic Concert in Cottonwood about 30 miles from here. It's supposed to rain, so we thought this would be a good way to spend the afternoon. Monday we scheduled massages as it is supposed to be rainy again. So I'm still having a great time, things get better everyday....Love ya and wish you were here, m
Hiked to Coffee Pot a 3 mile hike yesterday and made it no worse for wear. I am so happy I was able to keep up with the others with no huffing and puffing, altitude and 1 month out of 2 surgeries for the winter, I think I have bounced back. We hiked with Bonnie's friends Charlie and Larry and when we got back to the suburban of Larry's, he had lost his reverse, so they had to push the car backwards to get out of the parking lot and then was able to drop us off out on the street and we walked into Bonnie's unit about 1 short block. Luckily Larry has another car here and hoped to get the suburban into a garage to be fixed on Monday.
Last nite Bonnie and I went to see "Horton Hears a Who" and it was very cute, we laughed a lot.
Saturday, March 15, Happy Birthday Annie!
Today we are off to the St. Patricks Day Parade and other festivities in Old Town, and who knows what this evening will bring. Tomorrow we will go to a Celtic Concert in Cottonwood about 30 miles from here. It's supposed to rain, so we thought this would be a good way to spend the afternoon. Monday we scheduled massages as it is supposed to be rainy again. So I'm still having a great time, things get better everyday....Love ya and wish you were here, m
Friday, March 14, 2008
Great Day
Managed to stay out of the bathroom for 24 hours in a row! I think that is a record! After my hike and quiet morning Bonnie came home and we went to the Chapel of the Holy Cross...up in the red rocks was really pretty and I managed to buy some neat Angels in the gift shop too! I need to shop you know. Then we took a drive through what they call uptown area....seems like downtown to me....and a drive up Airport hill where they have a short runway for small planes only. But there is lookout from up there and I took a few more pictures. Think I got the rooftop of the unit Bonnie is renting. So I can show people!! Spent a quiet nite reading my book while Bonnie watched "Lost" not one that I got into. This afternoon we going on an easy 3 mile hike up Cow Pie trail. Supposed to be a Vortex there...we'll see if I feel anything. It also has lots of stones from an old volcano. I'll tell you all about it tomorrow. m
Thursday, March 13, 2008
You Are My Sunshine
Tuesday, March 11
Made it to Sedona by 6:30 p.m., cause my plane landed early and I caught an earlier shuttle. Was happy to see Bonnie at the Super 8 where the shuttle dropped me off, and it was only a few blocks drive back to Bonnies' condo, which is lovely. It's warm and sunny here today. Didn't have any problems with the bathroom all day, so life is good.
Wednesday, March 12
I spoke too soon, was up all nite pooping!!! Then I continued to visit the bathroom all day as well...but it didn't stop us. The sun is shinning and it got to the mid 70's. This morning we shopped for groceries and then after lunch we went to some exclusive shops adjoining the Los Abrigatos resort which has a labyrinth which we walked and it was next to a creek which we sat by and watched the ducks for a while...it was so relaxing and peaceful. Then Bonnie's friend Charlie who is visiting another friend for a week, took the two of us out for dinner at a Thai restaurants....it was very good. We each ordered something different and shared...YUM.
Thursday, March 13
Things are so much better today....Bonnie is working at her volunteer job at the library from 9:30 to 1:30 so I am on my own. I started reading the book "Surprise Me God" and it is really good, then I took a walk, there is a path right behind her condo that leads to a park. So I walked to the end of the trail and back about a mile and didn't have to rush back to the bathroom once. That was my surprise for the day....it must have been the prayers at the labyrinth yesterday. But it is sunny and beautiful here again today same as yesterday and I am loving it. Wish you were here, m
Made it to Sedona by 6:30 p.m., cause my plane landed early and I caught an earlier shuttle. Was happy to see Bonnie at the Super 8 where the shuttle dropped me off, and it was only a few blocks drive back to Bonnies' condo, which is lovely. It's warm and sunny here today. Didn't have any problems with the bathroom all day, so life is good.
Wednesday, March 12
I spoke too soon, was up all nite pooping!!! Then I continued to visit the bathroom all day as well...but it didn't stop us. The sun is shinning and it got to the mid 70's. This morning we shopped for groceries and then after lunch we went to some exclusive shops adjoining the Los Abrigatos resort which has a labyrinth which we walked and it was next to a creek which we sat by and watched the ducks for a while...it was so relaxing and peaceful. Then Bonnie's friend Charlie who is visiting another friend for a week, took the two of us out for dinner at a Thai restaurants....it was very good. We each ordered something different and shared...YUM.
Thursday, March 13
Things are so much better today....Bonnie is working at her volunteer job at the library from 9:30 to 1:30 so I am on my own. I started reading the book "Surprise Me God" and it is really good, then I took a walk, there is a path right behind her condo that leads to a park. So I walked to the end of the trail and back about a mile and didn't have to rush back to the bathroom once. That was my surprise for the day....it must have been the prayers at the labyrinth yesterday. But it is sunny and beautiful here again today same as yesterday and I am loving it. Wish you were here, m
Saturday, March 8, 2008
Sedona or Bust
Well only a few days and I will be sitting in the sunshine....wishing you were here. I had a great week, board meeting on Monday nite, card club on Tuesday, Dinner out with Jimbo's family on Wednesday, shopping on Thursday and dinner out again on Friday with three other women, and we talked from 5:15 till just after 9 p.m. What fun!! Today we are celebrating Katie's birthday, and tomorrow I will have the kids over for dinner to celebrate Annie's birthday and then on to my Lenten Study group. Monday Janet and Dar are coming out to say goodbye...and Janet is house sitting for me so I have to give her instructions and directions to my house! Tuesday I fly away....hope Bonnie is ready for me. I'm ready for her!!! m
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Becoming a Spoiled Brat!
I heard nothing from my kids all weekend and exclaimed "You get well and nobody cares about you"!! Well I know this is not true...but after having so much attention it's hard not to hear from anyone. Of course they were all busy with their lives and families so I don't blame them. I did manage to talk to all four families on Monday. I managed some shopping over the weekend...the first (other than groceries) since early December. I'm sure all my favorite stores were wondering what happened to me. But with leaving for Arizona next week....I had to shop!!! I also had two birthdays to buy for so it was a good excuse. Sunday I hosted my Lentin Study Group, so I managed to get my house clean even though I was shopping. Monday I saw my geneticist again, and they still don't know for sure if my paraganglioma is hereditary or not. So they are hoping to get my children and my siblings to get tested to help figure out the puzzle. They also did more blood and urine tests on me...and will be checking the CTscan I have in April to make sure I only had one paraganglioma. They will continue to watch me for years to come. I have card club tonite and a couple of dinner dates yet this week, so life is really good...even if I complain once in-a-while!!!! Love you all, m
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