Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Computer Glich!

For some reason, this wireless connection doesn't work all the time, and sometimes I can read my email, but can't get into this blog....so needless to say it has been days since you heard from me.
Saturday Bonnie and I hiked in to a vortex...along a creek under cathedral rock. It was a beautiful day and so fun to see the cairns that people had built in the rocks. Sunday I went to church and it was a wonderful service...with only a few tears. Easter last year is when Gene really started going downhill fast. He didn't even go to church with me. But I talked to all the kids and that made me feel so much better. I don't think I want to be away from all of them at Easter again though. It felt like something was missing all day. Bonnie's friends invited us over for dinner along with another couple....so it was nice to be with people having a ham dinner to make the day seem a little normal. It was gorgeous weather...and I got to wear my new easter outfit.
Yesterday Bonnie and I drove up to the Grand Canyon and really had another good day. We road a shuttle along the rim out to Hermits rest and back getting off to walk along the edge and see the views several times. Then we drove east along the rim and stopped at several more spots to get out and see the Grand View. We didn't get back to the condo till about 6:30, and kinda just rested on the couch the rest of the evening.
Today we are going hiking in Oak Creek Canyon...and tomorrow to Montezuma's Well. Have to get in all the sites before the end of the week...as next Tuesday we leave for Vegas and cold points beyond! I can't believe what crappy weather MN is having....sure glad I'm here. Love ya, m

1 comment:

  1. Mary sounds like you are having a wonderful time. So glad you got to spend Easter in a warm place. We had three days of snow here, but our family got here just the same for dinner in the private dining room here at Friendship Village. Food was delicious, and visit was fun. Have a great time and keep on writing.

    Pat and Larry Wood
