Saturday, March 15, 2008

Parade Day

March 15, 2008
Hiked to Coffee Pot a 3 mile hike yesterday and made it no worse for wear. I am so happy I was able to keep up with the others with no huffing and puffing, altitude and 1 month out of 2 surgeries for the winter, I think I have bounced back. We hiked with Bonnie's friends Charlie and Larry and when we got back to the suburban of Larry's, he had lost his reverse, so they had to push the car backwards to get out of the parking lot and then was able to drop us off out on the street and we walked into Bonnie's unit about 1 short block. Luckily Larry has another car here and hoped to get the suburban into a garage to be fixed on Monday.
Last nite Bonnie and I went to see "Horton Hears a Who" and it was very cute, we laughed a lot.
Saturday, March 15, Happy Birthday Annie!
Today we are off to the St. Patricks Day Parade and other festivities in Old Town, and who knows what this evening will bring. Tomorrow we will go to a Celtic Concert in Cottonwood about 30 miles from here. It's supposed to rain, so we thought this would be a good way to spend the afternoon. Monday we scheduled massages as it is supposed to be rainy again. So I'm still having a great time, things get better everyday....Love ya and wish you were here, m

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