Friday, March 21, 2008

Good Friday in more ways than one

Friday, March 21
The sun is shinning, not a cloud in the sky, the birds are singing and gather in the area behind our patio and graze on bugs and seeds we throw out for them...the flowers are blooming and it is warmer every day. Yesterday I was on my own I took my walk through the park and adjoining area of condos in a sleeveless top. Then I sat in the sun and read for awhile. After Bonnie got home we went to a labyrinth to walk and meditate that is only a couple of blocks from Bonnie's condo. Her friend told us about it the day before. We may beable to walk to this one. Then we got ready for dinner. I treated Bonnie for dinner last nite as it was her birthday, and then we went to church at the Catholic church in town. But they used so much incense and so often, it was like we were sitting in a cloud and Bonnie got a bad headache....she is rethinking going back for Easter Sunday service with me. Other than the was a nice service, and most of the readings were read in both english and a different experience for me.
Today we are going to look at some condo's that will be for rent next year. Bonnie is trying to decide if she will stay in this area or go to the Village of Oak Creek kind of a suburb of Sedona and a little more rural. They have some condo's on a golf course that we are going to look at. Then we will go to church for the Good Friday service at 1 p.m. and get our walk in this a.m. before it is too hot. Don't know what the rest of the day will bring, but I'll let you know tomorrow. Love m

1 comment:

  1. Happy Day,

    With Grandpa's birthday fast approaching, we can't help be consumed with thoughts of him. Easter too, brought back memories as we listened to Johnny Cash sing "Were You There When They Crucified Our Lord". We've been a bit selfish with our thoughts, but kids pick up on everything.
    Last night before bed, I was cuddled up with William. As usual Will was talking and talking and asking tons of questions on a variety of subjects. The one subject that seem to be most important on his mind was the life and death of Jesus. He was trying to understand the crucifixion and the significance of Easter. One thing he knew for sure was that Jesus was now in Heaven. "Mommy, Jesus is in heaven with Grandpa. You know what Mommy, sometimes on 'stay at home days' Grandpa comes and visits me. You can't see him though Mommy because he's and Angel". At that moment I couldn’t' help but be filled with pride as William certainly understands more than I give him credit for. How perceptive that little boy is, and what great comfort it brought me to know that Grandpa drops in to see Will too.
    Grandpa is never far from our thoughts. I think of him as I look into Toms eyes and feel blessed that he lives on through him. Certain expressions, in particular, expose what we all know to be true, that Tom is his father's son. I miss him. Everything. His presence. His quiet strength that was ever present in the background but the love that was always on the forefront. It was this unconditional love for his family that I admired most.
    Sorry to be so long winded. I wanted to share this story, but knew I could never verbalize it to you. We haven't talked about Gene recently and I just wanted to make sure you knew that he is always with us.

    I love you.
