Sunday, March 16, 2008

The Rain Must Fall

Cloudy day and we are off to church, predicting rain or snow for the evening. If it snows we may not go to the Celtic concert this afternoon in Cottonwood. The parade yesterday was really fun, and they had a live band playing in a plaza after that we listened too for a while....then we had lunch and headed back to the condo....with a short stop at the Safeway to pick up Powerball tickets with dreams of what we could buy with the winnings, unfortunately neither of us matched more than one number. Had dinner in and watched a movie in last night. Kind of a lazy afternoon, but it was so windy outside you got sand blasted.
So we will see what today brings besides percipitation. m


  1. HEY!!! Sounds like you're having a great trip. I'm so glad you're feeling well. I've tried to call your cell, but I realized I have your old cell number. When you get a chance shoot me the new one.
    Also, I got a call from the Coon Rapid Police as they had to visit your house. Janet was having a bash, and there were cars parked on the lawn and music slamming well into the early morn!!! Perhaps you should re-think your house sitter....That Janet... She's crazy.
