Friday, April 23, 2010

5 Down and 3 to Go!

Today Janet will go with me to get unplugged! This round has gone quite well, did have a little tingling in the fingers when I was digging the cold load of laundry out of the washer yesterday, it was a large load and I rinse in cold water, so it was cold....but the first time I could have used those hot pink gloves!! It quickly goes away when I ran my hands under warm water. But other than that I would not know I'm being pumped full of drugs for 46 hours.....oh, I guess I must try to forget, as every once in a while I get up to do something and quickly get yanked back to reality and pick up the pump and sling it back over my shoulder. It won't let you walk away without it. But it allowed me to go to Walgreens, get gas, Bachmanns for a gift for the funeral of a friends' mom, the bank, and then Costco before coming back home to do that laundry.....and I did get the trash taken out and placed on the curb for pick-up this morning as well.
Made a big decision yesterday....going to cash in an annuity and go all the way with the cabin addition.....talked with most of the kids and Kathleen.....also had a conversation with Gene and Mom the night before...and all agree it's a great idea. That way I can spend my kids inheritance and enjoy it too! I think it is my way of celebrating the good news I got this week.
Nothing else to report! Life is Good! God is Good! and the sun is shining for the mean time, they are predicting rain for the nite and tomorrow, but the lawn and gardens will enjoy that too!
Love and prayers to all, m

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