Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Cold and Damp with a Promise of 70's!

Was a cool, windy morning at the cabin, but we did get to talk to another builder and he sounds promising as well. We also ordered a survey of the property and checked out when the Township and county boards met, to see if we can get this started this Spring, rather than waiting till Fall....so we'll see what happens when the numbers start coming in....that will tell the tale!
I got on the scale this a.m. and having dropped anymore weight, but didn't gain any either....so I guess that is good. I didn't crash last nite, so I'm wondering if I will get really tired this evening....but maybe since I am so much stronger that won't even happen.....we can only hope....I wouldn't want to fall asleep in the middle of Biggest Loser!
Nothing else to report....as is well on the home front! Love and prayers, m

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