I went to a Cancer Conference last evening at North Memorial Hospital, and heard a great couple of speakers, the first was my oncologist, Dr. Londer. He spoke on the present and future of cancer treatments....it was very promising and hopeful. We've come farther in the last five years than in the previous 30. He talked about how treatments are becoming personalized, because each cancer is different....and each patient is individual, and responds differently to each treatment. He also talked about the need for spiritual health and emotional health, and how important they are to the whole process. I certainly can speak to that!! So that really reinforced my beliefs in the power of prayer and surrounding myself with loving family and friends.
The second speaker was Karen Kaiser Clark, a motivational speaker, who spoke on "Life is Change, Growth is Optional"....and has written a book by that same title. I have heard Karen before, and she is great. She had us all laughing, and talked about the importance of laughter in our healing, (thus the importance of surrounding yourself with people who make you laugh, like Janet) she also spoke about perceptions, and how we choose our perception. Lastly she talked about celebrating the gift of you....and ended with the statement "For the measure of how well we have lived is...how well we have loved." All in all it was another wonderful evening.
This morning is gray and damp, so intune with Karen Kaiser Clark and Dr. Londer, my perception of the day is my title for my blog....April showers bring May flowers....think of all the good that will come from this rain.
Today I am going to the retiree's luncheon at the college, and look forward to seeing a lot of old friends. Love and prayers, m
P.S. Jeanie, your comments always uplift me!
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