Monday, April 19, 2010

Another Beautiful Day

I had planned on doing a lot more in the garden yesterday, but Annie called and said that Allie's hockey team was planning in the championship game of a weekend tournament in Blaine, so I put off going to the garden work and watched them play to a 0-0 tie even with a 5 minute overtime. So it was a fun way to spend a few hours, but after I did go to work in the front yard and did quite a bit of cleaning of the garden....however, there is a lot more to do....much less the back and sides gardens.
I stepped on the scale this a.m. and gained back another that is good! Have big plans for this morning....a funeral for a women that I have known almost since we moved to Coon Rapids, and her husband died around the same time that Gene died. Then I'm doing Meals on Wheels, and then I think I have to come home and go back to the yard work. Hope you have a wonderful day. Love and prayers, m

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