Wednesday, April 14, 2010

The Sun is Back to Greet Me!

Was afraid I'd crash last nite....but did pretty well....except for problems with diarrhea....due to my own fault. I somehow in rushing out of the house for the early appointment at the cabin with the builder, I forgot to take my morning meds.....which includes an antidiarrheal. I have been taking one each morning to stay ahead of the chemo effects, but it wasn't till late in the afternoon when I changed my bag as scheduled.....that the fun began. First bag didn't hold an hour....but second time I did a better job, and it held, but the diarrhea then caused the problems....needless to say I took my meds as soon as I realized what I had done, and started eating fiber to bulk me up...So I'm not back to normal yet....but it's better.....well enough potty mouth talk!!!! Sorry about that....but I need to vent too! The Sun is back out this morning, and I'm sure today will be a great day. I get to go to the college and see old friends and say goodbye to my dear friend and Qigong master Sheila Judd, who is leaving to work more closely with Chunyi Lin, as is marketing director. She is perfect for the position, but I will miss being able to run up to the college to see her.
Ordered a Survey for the cabin property yesterday afternoon, so we are moving forward on the bidding process. I hope the bids come in at a point that we can work with them. I'm afraid we won't beable to afford my dream. But even if they can just frame it up and we work on it piece meal I think we will go ahead with it. It just may take a lot longer than we had hoped. Wish me luck. Thanks for all the thoughts and prayers, it's nights like the last one, that I know you are all out there praying and sending me God's blessings. Love and prayers, m

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