Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween!

Not much to I wrote so late yesterday.  I have big plans for the morning, and the evening will take care of itself.  I am feeling well, holding my weight....and trying to do more moving each day.

This morning I will shower and get dressed, and wait for Annie to pick me up to go to Bill and Kim's for Katie's confirmation brunch and then on to church for the ceremony.  So that should be fun.

Jimbo the happy wanderer

Tommy as Luke Skywalker
Nick as a  BobbyD? the  DJ

Matthew as Buzz Lightyear

Jack as a Hippee

Nicole as Taylor Swift

Allie as Alice in Wonderland and Katie as a good witch
I am including pictures from Jimbo's party on Friday nite.  I didn't get one of the whole group....and didn't get one of myself although others did.  I'll have to get them from Ann or Annie.  But this is a taste:

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Sorry I'm late!

I called Annie this morning and asked her if she could take me shopping today, she said she could do it now.....and I responded I needed to shower first.  Needless to say, she was here before I got out of the bathroom and had to wait for me to dry my hair.  So we went shopping for granddaughter Katie's confirmation gift and a few groceries and Halloween candy.  When we were done, Annie brought me back to her house to lay on the couch till she needed to go watch Colie and Allie scrimmage in a hockey game.  While their Matthew says: "Why is something jumping up and down under the TV?"  Annie looks under the TV to see this little baby mouse scared to death.  Matthew climbed up on a chair and said he was freaked out.  Annie managed to open the back door and with a mop, chased the little mouse back outside.  I think he was as afraid of us as we were of him....he was shaking.  So anyhow I am finally home, and am now getting to my blog.

Yesterday was a fun day as well.  I of course layed around all morning, and then after lunch took my shower and headed to the basement (my first trip) to find my witches costume for the party at Jimbo's.  Then I called Bill and asked him to pick me up on their way by, which he did.  Have some cute pictures, but haven't put them on the computer yet.  Hopefully tomorrow.  I was so happy no one not even Matthew was afraid of me this year.  I may put it back on to give out candy tomorrow too!

Made a second trip to the basement at Jimbo's to watch "It's the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown" and loved the giggling the kids do while watching it.  Then we had real pumpkin pie, homemade from scratch, by the wife of his employee.  It was really good.

Got home around 7:30 and headed for the couch, but feel great that I was able to handle that and shopping this morning too.  Tomorrow Katie gets confirmed, so we have brunch and then church, Annie is picking me up, so I should do fine.  Slowly but surely I am able to do some normal things.

I got a few more cards in the mail this week, and enjoy reading your cards and emails.  Thanks all.  Oh and Mary Brue...I accept all prayers....I am non denominational in that department.  All prayers are good.  Love and prayers, m

Friday, October 29, 2010

Here Comes the Sun!

It froze last nite, but the sun is shining this morning, with hope of a nice day.  Just seeing the sun makes me feel better.  I spent most of yesterday on the couch laying on one side or the other.  Sleep that way too!  Trying to stay off my butt.  It seems to continue to drain a clear I think that is good.

I had company yesterday afternoon early....Mary Ward from my W omen's club.....she was also nice enough to bring me my mail from the mailbox so I didn't have to go out in the cold.  The mail contained 3 halloween cards....much better than bills.  Then later in the day Sharyl Boes my neighbor came with a gorgeous bouquet of flowers.....just as my flowers from the hospital had completely died.  So now I have a beautiful bouquet to look at.  It was so nice to have company, even though I spent the whole time on the couch laying down.  It makes the time pass so much faster.  I also got a call from our neighbor at the cabin....a lutheran minister.....and he is setting up a plowing service to the road and driveways for 4 of us cabin owners this winter.  While I had him on the phone I asked him to keep me in his prayers, and he offered to say a prayer for me over the phone, and I felt so blessed.  I could feel it wash over my body. The power of prayer is gigantic.

Today, Jimbo has already been here.  I asked him to come and pull down a broken branch from the tree on my boulevard, and on his way to stop and get me a loaf of bread.  Then when he got here, I also had him put out the garbage, so I got triple advantage from that visit.  I'll be going to Jimbo's this evening for his annual Charlie Brown Halloween party.  It's for all his nieces and nephews and no adults.....I am the only exception.  He serves pumpkin pie (this year pie made by one of his employee's wives who actually grew the pumpkins) and cheese any order the kids want.  I always go as a witch and they are all afraid of me.

I will spend most of the day on the couch, but won't miss the party.  Love and prayers, m

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Home Sweet Home

I got home yesterday afternoon just before 5 p.m.   Actually got to Coon Rapids by 4:30, but had to stop at Health Partners and fill a prescription for Amoxicillan first.  That done it was so nice to get back to my own couch and my own bed. 

I saw the surgeon at 1 p.m. and almost a first for Mayo I had a 1 p.m. appointment and I was in the office at 1:05 and saw the doctors (Dr. Nelson her assistant Kathie and Dr. Wilde) all within minutes of getting there.  Then I also saw the ostomy nurse at the same appointment and was out of their by 2:15 and on the road home by 2:30.  Dr. Nelson had mostly good things to say....she thought I was healing well and that I looked good, but she was a little concerned about an area near the end of my tailbone.  I do have a small problem caused by the ride down to Rochester on Tuesday and sitting in waiting rooms for hours. (my day from hell) I have a swollen area near the end of my tail bone and last night it started to drain.  The doctors realized this might happen and have me on antibiotics for the next 10 days, so I heal without infection.  They want to see me again next week, so I go back next Friday morning for that.  The ostomy nurse said everything looked great in that department, and I didn't need to see her again, unless I had problems.
I wasn't too surprised when I had some drainage during the night last night, but it seems to be clear liquid and I haven't had any fever or chills.  My blood pressure and weight was all normal yesterday and my blood work all looked good as well so no signs of any infection yet.
So I continue to get better and thank you for all your prayers.  Love and prayers, m

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

To Hell and Back

Yesterday was hell.....I can't say it any better than that.  The ride in the car was horrible, then I had to wait for my blood work....sitting....about 15 minutes.  Then I get in there, and they needed to access my port for the blood draw, and leave it in for a CT scan......back to the continually reacurring need for two forms of ID for my port proving that it is a Power Port.  This fight has been going on since Aug. 3 when they refused to use it because I didnt have two forms of ID for it.  So I went home and had my surgeon send hospital records saying that it was inserted and it was a Smart Port.  This didn't work the next time I was at Mayo, cause it didn't say it was a Power I went back home and contacted my doctor again and he then specifically wrote that it was a powerport and also called and talked to one of my doctors personally.  So the next two times they needed to use it, I had no problem, carrying my ID card and the proof now in my files.  But yesterday they just couldn't find that report from Dr. Schlaefer....and I kept insisting that it was there.....well 1/2 hr and 3 nurses later, they finally found it, and printed it out so I could take it with me and my ID card.  So anyhow, by the time I got out of that office it was time to walk a couple blocks to my next test (the CT scan) which was scheduled for 1:20, when I was about 1:50 when they finally called my name, and then they just gave me two bottles of water to down, the second to start drinking at 2:15 which I did.  But then it was about 2:30 before they called me in again....this time they took me back to the area where they put in the IV line, and I told them that it was accessed earlier, and handed the nurse my ID card and paper report telling it was a Power Port, but she had to walk away and didn't come back for 15 minutes to say she guessed it was okay to use it.....and sent me to the next waiting room where it was now going onto 3 p.m. (remember I can't eat before a CTscan, so not only was I starving, but I didn't get my medication like I was supposed to.)  By this time I'm really getting cranky.  Bright spot was a call from Karen saying William did get his card and birthday present from me....even without a zipcode.  I finally got into have the CT scan somewhere around 3:20 (now 2 hrs after the schedule time of arrival)  then they had me lay flat on my back and by now and 2 bottles of water later, I really had to go to the bathroom.  The test took forever or atleast it seemed like forever, and then they finally let me off the table and into the bathroom.  Then they make you wait 20 minutes to make sure you have no reaction to the dye, before they unhook you.  But when they took me back to the room where they unhook you, no one was there that could unhook a I sat and stood and sat for another 15 minutes before I began to complain that I needed to get out of there. Finally a nurse came in on the night shift and she took her good time to finally come and unhook me.  Now starving and in pain Janet finally got to drive us to the motel, where I took my tylenol and laid down on my side.  Janet then left me to rest while she went in search of food.  She was able to find a Panera and brought me back some soup and 1/2 turkey sandwich.  I didn't get off the bed for the rest of the evening, only for the bathroom.  Was so tired at 10 and the prospect of getting up at 6 a.m. I thought I would really sleep.....wrong!!! I tossed and turned and had restless leg cyndrom nearlly all night.  I think I slept a few hours between 4 and 6 a.m. and then had to come back to Mayo for a 7:45 appointment with Dr. Sideras my oncologist.  Well you can bet that didn't happen.  We got called into the room about 8 a.m. and at 8:40 he finally showed up, and I was his first appointment of the day.....I wonder how far behind he is now?  Now Janet and I are going back to the hotel to rest and then I am back here at 1 p.m. to see Dr. Nelson the surgeon.  Till tomorrow, love and prayers, m

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Back to Mayo

Early posting this morning, as I'm off to Mayo again today.  Have blood work and CT scan scheduled for this afternoon, and 2 doctors appointments tomorrow.  Janet is coming to take me, and we will be staying in Rochester for the nite.

Doing pretty well, already had my shower and did my hair ate breakfast and haven't layed down yet. But I think I'm going to have to do that soon.

My fantasy football team is kinda like the Vikings, my quarterback Tony Romo, broke his colarbone last nite and contributed to my 3-4 record.  So it wasn't a good evening Football wise.

Hope you all have a good day. Wish me luck. Love and prayers, m

Monday, October 25, 2010

Missing the Sun!

No sun!!  I stayed up late last night watching the Vikings, therefore slept in late this morning, and just haven't been able to get moving!  I'm sure the sun would help. 

It was a busy day yesterday.  I was just getting ready to shower (about 1:30) and my son Bill showed up and we visited, discussed politics, and watch football all afternoon.  Shortly after Bill arrived, the Ranum Window Washing Co. showed up.  Jan had been hear on Saturday, and noticed how much my windows needed help.  I can't tell you how even without sun it is brighter in here.  Thanks so much to Jan and had been since Gene died that the windows were washed on the outside....I did wash the inside, but taking them apart and washing both sides was Gene's job.  Shortly after they left, Annie and Allie showed up (I had called earlier in the day and asked if she would come and fill my tank with gas for the trip to Mayo on Tuesday.)  Oh my gosh that's tomorrow....will I make it?
I got on the scale again this morning, and I am holding my own in that department.  I continue to sit more and more each day, but tire so easily.  I do a little something, and then I lie down.  I have been napping each day, cept yesterday....which probably added to my tiredness this morning.  I just read my cousin Louie's CaringBridge post, and he talked about focusing your love on others, and how it makes you feel so much better.  I've always said you can sit and feel sorry for yourself or you can get up and do something about it.  I know God's love is blessing me and helping me make it through each day, and all the love and window washing just reinforces that in my life.  Love and prayers, m

Sunday, October 24, 2010

One Day at Time.....Sweet Jesus!!

That song is rummaging around in my head today.....kind of appropriate.  I haven't left the house since I got home, and don't think I could have sat through a church service yet.....but I was there in spirit.
Yesterday went well, I did address a bunch of cards and wrote some notes, but came up a couple short, so I'll have to make a few more today.  Then later in the afternoon, my friend Jan Ranum dropped in with some chicken soup, squash and a bouquet of straw flowers in hand.  It was so nice to have company.  Nice to have a variety of things to eat.  Had some of the soup for dinner....yum, yum.
Today I don't have any big plans other than watching football and my fantasy football team....hoping to beat Karen's Mighty McGraw's team.....but that will be hard.  I'm not doing so well this year.  The grandkids have had easy pray....even when they weren't trying.
I have gained back one of those pounds that I lost earlier in the week, and constance is really new and improved.  I have been eating well, no dairy and no sugar, so I suppose that is helping, but she doesn't seem as vol ital as the old constance.  I do feel stronger each day, but continue to take it "one day at a time".  Thanks to all who continue to keep me in your prayers, love, m

Saturday, October 23, 2010

On My Own!

Janet has abandoned me!  She had plans for the weekend, and won't be back till Tuesday to take me back to Rochester for my 2 days of appointments.  I'm sure she feels I am able to be on my own, and I don't totally disagree, but it will be a challenge.  I did well yesterday for most the day when she was gone.  I am sitting up more and more each day, and think I should be doing fine by Tuesday's ride in the car.  Janet has filled the fridge with lots of food, so all I have to do is reheat.  I'm sure I'll do well.
Yesterday I made a bunch of greeting cards.  Some for Halloween, and some thank you's and one for William's belated birthday.  Janet took it to the post office for me this morning, and after she left, I realized I forgot to put the zip code on it....I'm sure I'll be getting that one back.  Poor William....will he ever get his gift?
Today I'll work on addressing the other cards, hopefully doing a better job of it.  No other big plans....just going it on my own.  Love and prayers, m

Friday, October 22, 2010

I'm Really Back

I have been dictating my post each day to Janet and making her do the typing for me.  Today I'm doing this myself.  Janet has abandoned me for the day....but she left Dazy in charge.  I'm working at staying up for longer periods of time (meaning in an upward position). It's getting better all the time. I made cards this morning, and have been online paying bills and reading my email over lunch.....I have to get in shape to ride in the car down to Rochester next Tuesday. I need to have enough strength to get around Mayo and sit in waiting rooms for extended periods of time.
Yesterday Annie and Janet were cleaning fools.  Annie first tackled my linen closet to make room for cleaning supplies from my kitchen cupboard, which she moved my basement pantry up to. (mostly can goods) but I no longer will have to run to the basement for (as if I could).  In doing so she threw away several bags of what she considered trash or outdated items.  Then Janet joined her and they tackled the basement Christmas tree.  They undressed it, and took it outside to live.  Then they put all the cloth ornaments in the dryer to dust and fluff, and packed them away for another month or so.  Don't know what other things they dug through and threw out, but they seemed satisfied.  I'm was happy not knowing.  Annie also made the big step and packed up all her CareBears and took them home.  Only seemed fair to me!!  When Kathleen was here, I also went through my closet and sent her home with a large bag of hand-me-downs as well as bagged up 2 bags for Lupus.  So this last week at home has been a closet cleaning process.  My closets are not yet empty, but atleast they are not bursting at the seams.
I'm continuing to eat well, holding my weight, and Janet said I had a lot more color this morning.  Thanks for all those prayers, it seems the healing process is a much bigger task this time, but I am improving.  Love and prayers, m

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Ever onward

Yesterday I managed to sit up more often and do a few more things for myself, like showering, without any help.  Made coffee and toast again by myself this morning.  Little by little I am getting better.  I continue to work on sitting but still need my nap.  I have spent a lot of time laying on one side or the other. Standing and walking is fine but sitting is the worst.  
Today is a historical day.  Annie has come over to take my Christmas tree down (which has been up in the basement for 10 years) and SHE IS TAKING HER "CARE BEARS" home!  I guess if she can finally take her "Care Bears" I can take the Christmas tree down. 
I have not stepped on the scale today but I am eating well.  I don't think I am loosing weight.
Jimbo and Ann came to visit last night and I always enjoy being with family.  Annie and Nicole are here today (no school due to MEA week).
Janet thought she was making me a treat that I could easily get down and brought me some Jell-o.  The face I made explained the disdain for Jell-o after my stay in the hospital.  The worst Jell-o ever.  The memory of it lingers. 
Love and Prayers

PS...I assume yesterdays first comment was from Judy

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Progress...Step by Step

My goal of being more vertical yesterday was met, but now I need to extend it.  I will try to do more of the same today.  I got on the scale this morning and after a four day holding of my weight, have dropped two pounds somehow.  I am eating well and often, so I don't understand how I could loose two pounds.  I will see what I can do to reverse that today.  Kathleen's chicken soup is all gone but Janet made a delicious pork and rice dish last night and I am looking forward to that again.  This morning I got up before Janet, made coffee, took my pills and made my own toast before sitting down to eat it.  Progress, a step in the right direction.  However, I have been laying on the couch ever since. 

I have a bath shower scheduled for today and maybe gathering more material for crafts this afternoon.  I am going to add the cute picture of Dazy and the last rose of summer that I picked from my garden.  Dazy looks so cute.
Received cards from Rhonda, Hon, and Dick, Cindy Nutter, and they all added nice notes for a speedy recovery.
I received info from Mayo on my up coming appointments.  Need to be down there next Tuesday and Wednesday.  I guess Janet and I will plan a road trip for that night.  Not looking forward to sitting in the car for that trip.  Each day I have to practice sitting up longer.  Vertical is my goal.

Please keep the thoughts and prayers coming.  I am using them as fast as I can.  You have no idea how important it is to me to know people are praying and thinking about me.  Thank you.

Love and prayers


Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Still Horizontal!

Good Morning to all....had a great night sleep last night. I have set a goal for the day to try to be more vertical   Standing and walking is not a problem ...however, sitting has managed to be my nemesis.  My goal for the day is to try and do more sitting.  Yesterday went well.  The changing of the guard was unnoticeable in the wonderful care I have been given.  Janet and Dazy are at my beckon call.  Dazy is very friendly and so sweet.  I just don't know why Janet complains about her all the time. ??
I received a package in the mail yesterday of a "Angel of Sunshine".  I am sure it will make me smile every time I see it, thanks to Denise and Tom.  Also I received a card from Aunt Loretta.  She is looking forward to seeing all of us at the Cousin Christmas Party in December.
Constance began working again around noon after a twenty four hour hiatus.  Don't know what her problem was but glad she is working again.  Maybe it was the wonderful Chicken noodle soup that Kathleen made that moved her. 
Thanks again to Kathleen for spending the last two weeks with me.  I miss her already and can't wait until we can spend time together again when I am well.  It is not fare that she got to go shopping without me.
Love and prayers

Monday, October 18, 2010

Changing of the guard...

Early this morning, Dazy arrived dragging behind her, kicking and screaming, Janet!  Dazy was all dressed and ready to entertain me in her halloween outfit.  A pumpkin outfit with a witches hat that says, "I am a hex symbol".  Janet was doubtful that she would be able to fill the shoes of "DEAR" Kathleen.  She is thouroughly determined being number two will make her try harder.  I am convinienced she can do it.  Two great nurses, what more could anyone ask for, (sorry Judy you have to be number three).  Kathleen filled Janet in on all the "do's and don'ts" for me.  Hopefully Janet will be a "Do Bee and not a Don't Bee!"  Ann arrived around 11:00 to wisk Kathleen off to the airport.  Many tears with the goodbye's.  It is always sad to see her leave. 
Yesterday, was a good day.  Kathleen and I finished listening to the book on tape we have been listening to forever.  This book dragged on and on.  She beat me at cribage and I managed to eat my six small meals without a problem.  However, I may have made a mistake by taking an Imodium tablet and now have only passed gas since.  So, today, I will be walking the halls to get things moving again.  Not that I don't feel things moving... they just are not coming out.  Other big adventures for the day will be a shower.  That said ....all is well on the home front.  Janet and I will amuse ourselves.  No big plans for the day.  I will stay close to the couch which has become my haven. 
Love and prayers

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Sure Sign of Fall

The sun is shining, the leaves are falling and once again the men are making their pilgrimage to the cabin to take out the lifts and docks that should have been taken out weeks ago when the weather was even nicer.  But Indian Summer, the last couple of weekends, tricked them into believing that they still had time.  Unfortuneately I can't join them.  Ten days post surgery I'm still lying on the couch letting Kathleen wait on me hand and foot.  I could get used to this but I know I need to start doing things on my own...........slowly and surely.
Yesterday was a good day.  Pretty much stayed ahead of the pain.  Ate 6 small meals and managed to beat Kathleen in a game of cribbage.   I must say that as I seldom win so I have to rejoice in the small things.  Didn't have a great night last night...........note to self, flavored tea is not necessarily herbal or decaffinated.  Drinking a couple of cups of great tasting tea before bed was not a good idea.  So I'm moving slowly this morning and may have to take a couple of naps today.  Kathleen and I did manage to clean one of my closets (I laid on the bed while she did the work).  Today we may take on a new project of making Halloween cards. 
Thankful for all your thoughts and prayers, M

Saturday, October 16, 2010

I'm Back!

Sorry to disappoint all of you but KK has retired back to her mundane world of shoes, family, hockey, new business and the opening of their new store.  I've gotten so many comments on how well you all liked reading her prose.   Thank you Karen for taking my place but hopefully, Kathleen and I can manage from here. 
Yesterday went well and I ate regularly, tried to drink fluids and rested when needed.  I have enjoyed all of the cards, comments, emails and gifts I've received while in the hospital.....especially the flowers from Jim Arnott, Cousin Judy, and Rhonda, Hon and Dick.  Also just received a beautiful crocheted scarf from Cousin Judy that she started while waiting with me for my many appointments.  The support of all of your thoughts and prayers was genuinely felt and has carried me over this bumpy road.  I can see the other side and think it will be clear sailing from here.  Looking forward to returning to normal and seeing all of you.
Today is going well....cleaned out my sweater closet and forced Kathleen to take 1/2 of it home with her.
Making Kathleen wait on me hand and foot, she'll be so happy to leave on Monday............but then I can torture Janet after that.
Thanks for reading, love and prayers, M

Friday, October 15, 2010


It was just a dream.... It must have been right?  Had there not been the scars to prove it, it's like last week never happened!  Even upon returning home, everything was in perfect working order.  When I say perfect, I mean perfect!  Mary arrived home to an immaculate home!  Cleaned from top to bottom.  Carpets shampooed and a freshly laundered robe out on the bed.  This was not compliments of Glenda The Good Witch but sure enough.. it was Dazy Bee!  She is truly an incredible little Bee and we're all so blessed to have her in our lives!  Thank you Dazy!

Mary made the long journey home yesterday.  An extremely uncomfortable ride, Mary was grateful to get home to her Sleep Number bed.  In all the excitement, she did forget to take her pain med's, and by 3:30 she was experiencing some serious pain!  The med's never kick in quick enough, but you can imagine when they did, the relief!

A good nights rest wasn't too difficult and Mary is feeling good today!  Feel free to give her a jingle.

That will be all for me, as the boss will take over tomorrow!  Hugs and kisses to all.


Thursday, October 14, 2010


She clicked her Red Shoes and repeated quietly... "There's no place like home.  There's no place like home."  As her eyes opened and she looked around... and well "YES" she was still in the hospital but home was just hours away!  Mary is going HOME!!!


Wednesday, October 13, 2010


Contrary to rumors started by Gary two days ago, Mary DOES NOT have a venereal disease.  Regardless of how infamous she is, she is a one man woman!  Nothing like a little humor to lift your spirits when you're feeling down.  Although it was uncomfortable to laugh, Gary's humor was appreciated greatly!

Mary is feeling 100% better today!  She is back to eating 6 small meals a day!  All "stick to your ribs" type stuff.  The cause of the nausea has been chocked up to a lazy bowel.  The digestive system was just simply not working properly.  Catheter came out today, and she can now go for walks to and from the bathroom not just the nurses station!  JOY!  Signs of surgery still remain.  She has a long blood blister from where the catheter tube rested on her leg.  Allergies are the cause.  She still has a I.V drip containing potassium and phosphate.  They're really trying to get her system in balance prior to going home.    Her pain is being kept at bay with plain ole Tylenol every 6 hours.  Pretty remarkable!  Everyone is hoping for a Friday discharge at the latest.. I may even hold my breath!


ps...For years now my Mom keeps telling me the secret to swallowing large pills!  I relayed the message to Mary and sure enough, she confirms it works!  So here's the trick.....Turn your head to the right while taking your pills with water!  You won't even know they went down.  It's the oddest thing, but I too tried it and it DOES work.  Mothers are always right!!!!  Thanx Mom!!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Spoke with Mary this morning and although she felt better, she still wasn't 100%.  She ended up throwing up late last night, and the Doctors are speculating that she may have an infection in her stomach or colon.  Given this possible turn of events they've moved her to a private room to limit exposer to outside elements. She is still allowed visitors, but the staff will be gowned when tending to her needs.  They've continued giving her potassium and had to give her some additional electrolytes as her levels were low.

She will have two tests later this morning to see if there is indeed an infection.  I will update as soon as I hear!  We doubt she will be discharged tomorrow.

Truth be told, I'm happy for the "speed bumps".  I'd much prefer her having issues right where she is than having issues once she's home!


(Mary's new rm is 5-410)

Monday, October 11, 2010


C.A.T scan came back clear.  It's my understanding that Mary was experiencing some pain in her upper chest, so a clear scan is even more of a relief than I had originally thought.  Mary tends to leave out some important information when speaking to her children.  I'm glad Kathleen is around to keep her on the straight and narrow!  I'm obviously losing my touch and need to ask more probing questions!

Overall a very quiet day, and I'm  anxious to see how Mary feels in the morning.  I'll post early with a brief update.

Until then.. sleep tight.


ROCKY 1,2,3,4.....

Well.. There wasn't just a "Rocky", but there were multiple installments as Rocky always encountered new obstacles, challenges, opponents to overcome.  So is true for our resident Rocky.

Mary woke up feeling a bit nauseous.  The Doctors aren't sure of the cause and tried numerous remedies to correct to no avail.  So they have decided to run a C.A.T scan to determine if there is any reason for concern.  We should have the results later this evening and I'll post the info as soon as Kathleen updates me.  Needless to say it's been a tougher day for our champion!

Rocky didn't reach the top of those stairs on his first try.  Mary will have her moment to "dance" soon enough.   Perhaps God needed to provide a necessary speed-bump.


Sunday, October 10, 2010


Well... Mary may not be at the top of those Philadelphia Art Museum stairs, but she certainly has earned the right to fly high! She is truly the closet person I know to that fictitious cultural hero, and when I talk to her it's as though I hear the Rocky theme music in the background.  You guys hear it too, don't you!!

Mary has been up a ton today, and is getting stronger and stronger.  She's lost almost 10 lbs of water weight and she can actually see the veins in her hands.  Her hemoglobin levels have improved, so no additional blood needed!  They are giving her potassium in her IV as the horse pill was simply too big for any human to ingest.  Why make horse pills if you intend on giving it to something other than a horse?  Another really good sign is that her digestive track is beginning to make some noise.  Things are starting to move and grove!  YIPEE

Kathleen was bringing Mary the computer as she was anxious to check her Fantasy Football scores.  Truly the simple pleasures of life and wonderful to have some normalcy.  The Doctors hope to see her discharged mid week, and then she'll have a home care program. A nurse will check on her daily and manage any post op procedures.  She will still have a tube that will need to be tended to.  She can explain all that once she's back in the blogger saddle.

I apologize for such a late blog, but know all the prayers to continue to work their magic.  Now you may want to add an additional prayer that I would get this blog out before bedtime :)

(Karen Kiecker-Oldest son Tom's wife)

Saturday, October 9, 2010


Two days post op and all continues according to plan.  Blood levels are still low, but not low enough for the Doctors to add more.  Blood pressure is good and Mary has already been up and about today.  When we spoke she was sitting up in a chair and chatting with Annie and Cole.  Her surgery site is healing and I think everything looks pretty impressive.  She sounded really strong and it amazes me that she had major surgery just two day ago.

True to Grandma form, her only wish for this post, was to wish her grandson a Happy 8th Birthday!  So typical.  So Happy Birthday William.  We all love you!!

My sons a cutie if I do say so myself!

Friday, October 8, 2010


When the Schoenecker sisters competitive gaming spirits are alive and well, all is as it should be in the universe!  Kathleen has already dominated the cribbage board showing her big sister little mercy!  NOW.. whose the show off :) I guess it must run in the family.

Mary had a restful nights sleep.  I'm certain after all that gallivanting around the nurses station she was exhausted.  The Doctor was in very early this a.m and everything is going according to plan.  Her platelet count continues to be low as well as her hemoglobin and potassium levels.  If the platelet count doesn't improve they will most likely supplement with more blood.  These levels were effected drastically by the chemo and of course the surgery.  This is all normal and no reason for concern.

After two walking excursions already today, Mary did sound a bit tired when we spoke.  So I guess she is human after all!

Hugs to all!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Simply... A SHOW OFF!

Had the chance to rejoice with Mary again this evening.  She sounded great, and there was such joy and confidence in her voice!  She had just finished walking around the nurses station for the second time this evening.   She said she didn't want to appear pathetic!  She didn't seriously just say that....

Needless to say, she continues to defy the odds!  All is perfect!



NO!  You don't need new glasses!  It's true!  Mary is cancer free!  I mean really.. isn't that the best sentence you've ever read!

I spoke with Mary mid-morning and she has zero recollection of anything until 6:15am this morning.  We all consider that a blessing.  Doctor confirmed that the surgery was a success and all cancer was removed.  Many things had to get accomplished during the surgery, and all objectives were met!  Constance got to stay in relatively the same spot, which was a big relief.  They did have to move it just a bit due to a hernia, which was repaired.  They also did "on-the-spot" radiation!  Just once more with feeling!  A plastic surgeon did some major "construction"to make sure that everything looked as normal as it could.  Although not a workable exit Mary will still have a booty!!!

Mary is great spirits and sounds remarkably normal.  Perhaps a slur here and there, as she is on MAJOR pain meds.  It's my understanding that she was extremely bloated last evening, but all reports are that she is looking like her usual self.  Thank goodness she got her hair done last week!  God forbid she was bloated and had bad hair!!!!

She is out of ICU and had a room full of family this morning.  They all leave, with the exception of Kathleen of course, this afternoon.

So that is what we know!  Words can't appropriately express the feeling of elation we are all feeling.  Mary continues to teach us, through her tenacity and faith, that everything is possible!

God Bless!!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Ghost Writer

The surgery went well, although extremely long.  Mary went in around 7am and didn't get done till almost 4pm.   There weren't any surprises which is a very good thing.  They did end up doing a transfusion and adding additional platelets.  She is resting in ICU this evening and is sedated to give her body time to rest.  This is normal protocol so don't be alarm with the ICU portion.

Sorry I don't have more to report.  I will add more in the morning as we hear from the Doctors.

Continue the prayers!
Karen Kiecker

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Happy Birthday Jimbo!

Well today I'll be celebrating for two or three reasons, the birthday, the end of the colonoscopy and the last radiation treatment.  Hurrah!!!

The evening went quite well in the bathroom, however Kathleen managed to beat me 7 out of 10 games of cribbage....I'm sure it was because I was distracted by the bathroom.  Maybe it was because Kathleen had no pitty for me.  But thankfully with Constance it wasn't a rush to the toilet, I could saunter in when she became full.

This morning I got a call saying that I need to go have more blood palettes were low yesterday and they want to see if they are coming back up..,.,I'll have to have blood drawn again this afternoon to watch them too.  So I'm off in minutes to have that done, and then the colonoscopy will start at 9:30 or I check in then.  After the colonoscopy the surgeon will come in and talk to me about the surgery and what happens the rest of the day.  Wish me lots of palettes.  Love and prayers, m

Monday, October 4, 2010

Happy Day

Sorry, I have been partying all morning, and realized I hadn't written.  I will update you on the day later this afternoon when Kathleen and I get settled at Hope Lodge.  Love ya, m

Okay, all settled in, and have had my 14th of 15 radiation treatments, and also had my blood drawn.  Gave Kathleen the nickel tour of the Hope Lodge and she is now reading the rules and regs.

Yesterday was a great day, picked Kathleen up and then got ready for family to come for Jimbo's birthday party.  Everyone was gone by 8 as it was a school night and "Desperate Housewives" comes on at 8 and they wanted to be home to watch it.  Loved having everyone here.

This morning I hosted a pre-op party (my term) with Judy, Janet, Joe, Sandy and Kathleen, and Karen (from Switzland) crashed it with a call when all of us were seated at the kitchen table eating bagel and drinking coffee......I take that back everyone else was eating bagels, I am on that liquid diet today, as tomorrow I have a colonoscopy scheduled.  It was so much fun.  When they left my house Joe and Sandy were on their way to Watkins to see Joe's aunt they stopped and saw the cabin on their way by.

After everyone left Kathleen and I packed up and headed to Rochester.  The leaves were almost peak....but not quite....but the sun was shining brightly and it was very enjoyable.  Made it here in plenty of time for my treatment and blood draw, and am now getting reading for the turkey trot or whatever to the bathroom as I start drinking my crap at 6:00 p.m. every 10 minute for 2 hours.  So I'll be staying close to the toilet.  Nothing else new.  I'll write again in the morning, as I have to be up at 6 a.m. and staring drinking again.  Colonoscopy at 9:30 a.m.  YUK.  Love and prayers, m

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Good Morning Sunshine!

I can see frost on the roof tops across the street, but the sun brings a hope of warmth and bright colors to come.  The week ahead is forecasts of low 70's alll the way bad I won't beable to be out enjoying it.  Once I get back to Rochester I have to hit the ground running.  I have to get my treatment at 3:45 and then have a blood draw.  Then at 6 p.m. I get to start drinking the golytly every 10 minutes for the next couple hours.  In the past I would then spend that same couple of hours running to the bathroom inbetween drinking 8oz glasses of the wonderful liquid, however, now I have Constance, and it even though I'll be emptying her every 10 minutes, it won't be with the same intensity of running....I think I'll beable to walk!! LOL  This is all in preparation for the colonoscopy of Tuesday morning....followed by my last radiation treatment and maybe a meal of real food, before the put me in the hospital in preparation for the surgery on Wednesday.  Oh and by the way I will have that surgery at Methodist Hospital in Rochester....connected to the Mayo Clinic.

So today I will start with church, then put together a pot of chili and then head to the airport to pick up Kathleen.  Later the kids will all arrive to celebrate Jimbo's birthday (on Tuesday).  Looking forward to having the house filled with conversation and laughter.

Tomorrow morning is turning out to be a pre-op party.  Kathleen, Joe and Sandy, Judy and Janet all are coming for breakfast.  Judy is stopping and picking up bagels and cream cheese....unfortunately I can't eat any of them.  I only get to drink clear liquids.  Thankfully coffee is allowed.  I am really looking forward to seeing Joe and Sandy who are in town to visit her family.  If I remember right they were bringing her mom for a birthday celebration....but I may be wrong.

Well, I must get dressed.  Love and prayers, m

Saturday, October 2, 2010

400th Post - Where has the time gone?

I can't believe that I have made 400 posts to this site...mostly over a year's worth of updates and a lot of nonsense.  Even is very healing for me to write each day, and I promise I'll have someone keep this up while I'm in the hospital for those 30-40 people who read this each day....and send me their blessings.  I am reminded every day that God is carrying me through this and how much I appreciate your prayers.

Yesterday Judy and I got packed up and on the road by 9:30 and to Shakopee by 11:15, and Coon Rapids by 12 noon.  I didn't get a lot done...but I did unpack and get a load of wash done....took a caught up on all the mail....paid a few bills....and mostly relaxed in the comforts of home.

This morning I made myself go back to bed after the alarm went off at 7 a.m. (as I forgot that it was on from last Sunday when I needed to get up for church.)  Finally got out of bed at 8:30.  Haven't moved from my chair yet.  Read my cousin's caringbridge blog, talked to my friend and traveling partner Bonnie Sass, answered a few email, and watched golf on TV.  I do have to get moving shortly, as I have groceries to buy for my dinner party tomorrow for Jimbo's birthday....and I need somethings for Kathleen to eat at Hope Lodge.  Didn't leave her much in the cupboard. I also have to buy myself some liquids, as Monday I will be on a liquid diet for the colonoscopy on Tuesday morning....and so the fun begins.  I also need to get the vacuum and dust rag out and give them a workout, and finish the laundry.

I changed my mind about  going to the cabin last night as they were predicting it to be cold, but with the sun shining as it is today I really could have gone....and I do have heat I would be cozy up there looking out the window at the leaves.  It was really a beautiful drive home yesterday, the leaves should be near peek when Kathleen and I drive down on Monday.....I'm looking forward to seeing them.

Kathleen arrives tomorrow.....Yippee!!  Love and prayers for all those on my prayer list that their needs are graced by God as well, m

Friday, October 1, 2010

13 Down and 2 to Go!

An end to a good week of treatments and a wonderful week of visiting and shopping with Judy.  Thank you Judy for being my caregiver this week, but I wish you would have let me win at cards a little more often. Close only counts in horseshoe!

I've already been over and gotten my treatment for the day, the sun is shining and we are packing to go back home for the weekend.  We had a wonderful dinner at Michaels, treated to us by my long time friend Jim Arnott.  Jim has a way of keeping you laughing through the whole evening.  Just what we needed.

Was thinking of driving to the cabin today and coming back tomorrow.....but they are not predicting very nice weather or atleast not very warm weather for tomorrow, so I just may stay home and clean the house that has been neglected for most of the summer.  Have laundry to do as well.  Kathleen arrives on Sunday, and Joe and Sandy are coming to visit Monday morning before Kathleen and I have to drive back here.  Hope you all have a wonderful weekend.  Love and prayers, m