Saturday, October 2, 2010

400th Post - Where has the time gone?

I can't believe that I have made 400 posts to this site...mostly over a year's worth of updates and a lot of nonsense.  Even is very healing for me to write each day, and I promise I'll have someone keep this up while I'm in the hospital for those 30-40 people who read this each day....and send me their blessings.  I am reminded every day that God is carrying me through this and how much I appreciate your prayers.

Yesterday Judy and I got packed up and on the road by 9:30 and to Shakopee by 11:15, and Coon Rapids by 12 noon.  I didn't get a lot done...but I did unpack and get a load of wash done....took a caught up on all the mail....paid a few bills....and mostly relaxed in the comforts of home.

This morning I made myself go back to bed after the alarm went off at 7 a.m. (as I forgot that it was on from last Sunday when I needed to get up for church.)  Finally got out of bed at 8:30.  Haven't moved from my chair yet.  Read my cousin's caringbridge blog, talked to my friend and traveling partner Bonnie Sass, answered a few email, and watched golf on TV.  I do have to get moving shortly, as I have groceries to buy for my dinner party tomorrow for Jimbo's birthday....and I need somethings for Kathleen to eat at Hope Lodge.  Didn't leave her much in the cupboard. I also have to buy myself some liquids, as Monday I will be on a liquid diet for the colonoscopy on Tuesday morning....and so the fun begins.  I also need to get the vacuum and dust rag out and give them a workout, and finish the laundry.

I changed my mind about  going to the cabin last night as they were predicting it to be cold, but with the sun shining as it is today I really could have gone....and I do have heat I would be cozy up there looking out the window at the leaves.  It was really a beautiful drive home yesterday, the leaves should be near peek when Kathleen and I drive down on Monday.....I'm looking forward to seeing them.

Kathleen arrives tomorrow.....Yippee!!  Love and prayers for all those on my prayer list that their needs are graced by God as well, m


  1. Sounds like your afternoon went much like mine. All my big plans and I only got to the cleaners and Cub. This morning the same just can't get going. It was beautiful coming home and it was great spending the week with you. Oh and beating you at cards. I know you were being nice to me. Love ya kid and my prayers are with you the rest of the way.

  2. So glad Kathleen is arriving! Love it when the sisters are together... Love you Mom.

  3. Jason and I were on the lake saturday morning. It was cold to start out but got a little better by noon. The colors were still great but falling from the trees fast. We still did okay fishing. In all it was a pretty good day.
    Good luck this week in Rochester, I'll be praying for you too.
    Love you, Phil
