Contrary to rumors started by Gary two days ago, Mary DOES NOT have a venereal disease. Regardless of how infamous she is, she is a one man woman! Nothing like a little humor to lift your spirits when you're feeling down. Although it was uncomfortable to laugh, Gary's humor was appreciated greatly!
Mary is feeling 100% better today! She is back to eating 6 small meals a day! All "stick to your ribs" type stuff. The cause of the nausea has been chocked up to a lazy bowel. The digestive system was just simply not working properly. Catheter came out today, and she can now go for walks to and from the bathroom not just the nurses station! JOY! Signs of surgery still remain. She has a long blood blister from where the catheter tube rested on her leg. Allergies are the cause. She still has a I.V drip containing potassium and phosphate. They're really trying to get her system in balance prior to going home. Her pain is being kept at bay with plain ole Tylenol every 6 hours. Pretty remarkable! Everyone is hoping for a Friday discharge at the latest.. I may even hold my breath!
ps...For years now my Mom keeps telling me the secret to swallowing large pills! I relayed the message to Mary and sure enough, she confirms it works! So here's the trick.....Turn your head to the right while taking your pills with water! You won't even know they went down. It's the oddest thing, but I too tried it and it DOES work. Mothers are always right!!!! Thanx Mom!!
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