The sun is shining, the leaves are falling and once again the men are making their pilgrimage to the cabin to take out the lifts and docks that should have been taken out weeks ago when the weather was even nicer. But Indian Summer, the last couple of weekends, tricked them into believing that they still had time. Unfortuneately I can't join them. Ten days post surgery I'm still lying on the couch letting Kathleen wait on me hand and foot. I could get used to this but I know I need to start doing things on my own...........slowly and surely.
Yesterday was a good day. Pretty much stayed ahead of the pain. Ate 6 small meals and managed to beat Kathleen in a game of cribbage. I must say that as I seldom win so I have to rejoice in the small things. Didn't have a great night last night...........note to self, flavored tea is not necessarily herbal or decaffinated. Drinking a couple of cups of great tasting tea before bed was not a good idea. So I'm moving slowly this morning and may have to take a couple of naps today. Kathleen and I did manage to clean one of my closets (I laid on the bed while she did the work). Today we may take on a new project of making Halloween cards.
Thankful for all your thoughts and prayers, M
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