Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Happy Birthday Jimbo!

Well today I'll be celebrating for two or three reasons, the birthday, the end of the colonoscopy and the last radiation treatment.  Hurrah!!!

The evening went quite well in the bathroom, however Kathleen managed to beat me 7 out of 10 games of cribbage....I'm sure it was because I was distracted by the bathroom.  Maybe it was because Kathleen had no pitty for me.  But thankfully with Constance it wasn't a rush to the toilet, I could saunter in when she became full.

This morning I got a call saying that I need to go have more blood drawn.....my palettes were low yesterday and they want to see if they are coming back up..,.,I'll have to have blood drawn again this afternoon to watch them too.  So I'm off in minutes to have that done, and then the colonoscopy will start at 9:30 or I check in then.  After the colonoscopy the surgeon will come in and talk to me about the surgery and what happens the rest of the day.  Wish me lots of palettes.  Love and prayers, m

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