Sunday, October 24, 2010

One Day at Time.....Sweet Jesus!!

That song is rummaging around in my head today.....kind of appropriate.  I haven't left the house since I got home, and don't think I could have sat through a church service yet.....but I was there in spirit.
Yesterday went well, I did address a bunch of cards and wrote some notes, but came up a couple short, so I'll have to make a few more today.  Then later in the afternoon, my friend Jan Ranum dropped in with some chicken soup, squash and a bouquet of straw flowers in hand.  It was so nice to have company.  Nice to have a variety of things to eat.  Had some of the soup for dinner....yum, yum.
Today I don't have any big plans other than watching football and my fantasy football team....hoping to beat Karen's Mighty McGraw's team.....but that will be hard.  I'm not doing so well this year.  The grandkids have had easy pray....even when they weren't trying.
I have gained back one of those pounds that I lost earlier in the week, and constance is really new and improved.  I have been eating well, no dairy and no sugar, so I suppose that is helping, but she doesn't seem as vol ital as the old constance.  I do feel stronger each day, but continue to take it "one day at a time".  Thanks to all who continue to keep me in your prayers, love, m

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