Friday, January 4, 2013

First Friday Group Rocks!

Marianne Nold, decided to host us at her house this evening, instead of going to a restaurant for dinner.  She had a Fondue of meat and cheese along with an apple, craisen, and broccoli salad.  It was great!
It was so much better than going to a restaurant where the noise is loud and you feel like you can't sit and visit as they want the table for more customers. It was a relaxing fun evening.
I had 3 scarves made, and made the 4th while I was there, so I could give them each one.  Helen wasn't able to be there this evening, so I will make one for her and give it to her the next time we get together. They all loved them, and it was fun to see their reaction when I said I was making them for them.

Sorry I fell a sleep at the keyboard last night as I was writing this, so I have to finish now.
Earlier in the afternoon Bonnie and I went to Walgreen's  and spent a bundle.  It was 20% off for seniors, and we were buying things we always use at great prices, along with stuff we wanted to take on our trip the end of the month.  Anyway I went through the line first, and then when Bonnie went through, she asked if she got the senior discount, and the women said no, so she gave it to her before she finished.  So I checked and sure enough I hadn't gotten it either.  So she sent me to another register to get that.  I did, and then the manager was there, and said they had to refund me first and then re ring the whole thing, a shopping cart full.....uggggghhhhh.  But it saved me almost $15.
Other than that that's about all I did.  Doug did go to HP on his way to work and got one of my prescriptions, the other wasn't ready, cause they needed a doctors permission to refill it.  So he has to go again on Monday for that....they did give me enough pills to last the weekend.  Getting everything refilled now will help me get through the two weeks in Hawaii....then I'll have to do it all again before we leave for SLC and Sedona.  Well, that was my day.  Love and Prayers, m

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