Thursday, January 31, 2013

Silver Lining

This was a day of decision making.  It didn't start out that way, but a series of conversations propelled Mary to come to the conclusion that she will not travel to see Kathleen and Gary this next week.  Mary is truly heartbroken but every disappointment has a sliver lining.  In the coming weeks she can grow stronger and make sure she can make the trip without any unhealthy repercussions.  She spoke with Kathleen and looked at calendars and she can actually spend more time with her, visiting a bit later in Feb/March.  Bonnie has been wonderful in this whole decision process and can't thank her enough for being so understanding!

Mary had a super productive day in addition to all the phone conversations.  She had a wonderful conversation with Janet.  So much so that she didn't even notice when Doug came in.  He walked by the couch a couple times while Mary was engrossed in her convo before she realized he was there!  That must have been some conversation!  Doug had a long list of "Honey Do's" and he managed them all.  He is a true blessing.  He got Mary all set up in the family room with her computer so she can work on her taxes.  She made great headway at that today.  She also had a long phone conversation with her friend Barb.  About an hour!!!  I'm surprised she doesn't have cauliflower ear!  To end her busy day Annie stopped over with her walker, all put together and ready for use.  This will really help as the neuropathy in her feet makes her pretty unstable.

Overall Mary has had a pretty good day and is feeling ok.  She was pretty stiff yesterday after sleeping in one position for most of the night.  So that was definitely an improvement today.  As she continues to make headway please keep the prayers coming!  She can feel them!

No other mischief to report.  I will, in closing, give out a word of warning.  So during the night Mary needs her cane to aid her to/from the bathroom.  When she woke up she grabbed her cane and phone and made her way.  As she returned to her bed, she heard a mans voice..."Hellllooooo.....Helllllooooo".  She came to realize that she "pocket" dialed her son Bill's in-laws.  OHHHH MY.....So a word to the wise.  If you see Mary calling late, late at night do pick up the phone but don't panic!  It might just her butt :)


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